How to Fold Toilet Paper
How to Fold Toilet Paper
People around the world fold toilet paper to assure guests that the bathroom is clean. Commonly people fold the last toilet paper sheet into a triangle, however some people impress or delight guests with elaborate designs to show off creativity and attention to detail. Folding toilet paper, formally known as hotel toilet paper folding, but also called toilet paper origami or toilegami attracts the attention of many people around the world.

Triangle Fold

Lift out one or two toilet paper sheets above the roll.

Fold the right corner down to the left edge. Use the edge of the toilet paper for alignment.

Fold the left corner to the right corner of the toilet paper.

Layer the toilet paper down so the triangle sits neatly.

Diamond Fold

Lift up one and a half squares of toilet paper down from the roll.

Valley fold along the diagonal.

Valley fold along the other diagonal. You should now have a multi-layer triangle.

Fold the triangle up. The point of the triangle should be pointing up.

While keeping the folds together, lift the toilet paper up.

Valley fold the two corners to the midpoint.

Gently sit the toilet paper back down. Impress guests with creative designs. "I love having people over and want to go above and beyond for my guests. This article gave me cool toilet paper folding ideas like pleats, hearts, and baskets — stuff I never would've thought of. Now I can surprise visitors and make them smile when they go to the bathroom. It's a fun personal touch!" - Peter B. Follow clear visual instructions to simplify learning. "At first I was intimidated by the fancy folding techniques. But the step-by-step pictures walking through each fold made them super easy to pick up. Seeing exactly how to manipulate the toilet paper helped me get the hang of the designs way more than words alone could have." - Mary Z. Add a professional hotel touch as a house cleaner. "I'm always trying to impress my housecleaning clients. The beautiful toilet paper folds here, like the gem and diamond, make a bathroom look extra tidy and fancy. It's like a hotel! Leaving these neat designs behind makes my customers really happy. Such a great pro touch." - Becky B. Practice toilet paper folds to achieve perfection. "When I first tried some of the more complicated folds, like the boat, my attempts were messy. But after practicing a few times, as the article suggested, I got way better. Now, I can make all sorts of decorative folds to spruce up any bathroom. The step-by-step instructions and photos were so helpful for improving with practice." - Noeline V. We want to hear from you! Advice from our readers makes our articles better. If you have a story you’d like to share, tell us here.

Pleat Fold

Pull out two or three sheets of toilet paper towards you.

Pleat the sheets with an accordion fold. Leave have an inch (one centimeter) gap between each fold.

Continue folding in the up and down accordion fashion. Make sure you have at least eight folds, but the more the better.

Compress the pleats as tightly as possible.

Fold the stack of pleats in half towards you.

Squeeze the stack together while you press the creases firmly.

Release the stack of pleats. Let the folds to relax. Find the two pleats that are closest to one another.

Grasp the two layers closest to one another and fold the corner to form a small triangle. Fold this corner once more to lock the two halves together.

Lay the toilet paper back on the roll and fluff. It should look like a fan.

Pleated Tuck

Tear off a sheet of paper.

Fold the sheet of paper into an accordion up and down fashion.

Compress the pleats into one neat stack.

Fold the pleat stack in half.

Let the pleats relax together. Find the two pleats that are closest to one another.

Align the two edges together.

Fold the two edges together to form a small triangle. Fold another triangle to lock the two pieces together.

Insert the fan-like sheet of toilet paper into a suitable toilet paper fold, such as the diamond or basket fold.

Basket Fold

Pull down one and a half sheets of toilet paper.

Mountain fold the bottom edge of the toilet paper back. Fold back about nearly an inch (two centimetres).

Fold back the bottom edge of toilet paper again. The second fold hides the raw edge so the basket will have a soft rim.

Valley fold the toilet paper up. Fold as much as you want up depending if you want a shallow or deep basket.

Mountain fold the left and right edges of the toilet paper behind. This forms the sides of the basket. The angle of the fold can be sharp if you want a narrow base or subtle if you want a narrow base.

Adjust the toilet paper basket up and down to position the basket. If you are going to add a decoration into the basket you can lower the basket.

Gem Fold

Valley fold the left and right corners of the toilet paper a third of the way in from the edges.

Pull the toilet paper down so the edge is just below the roll.

Valley fold the toilet paper up. Make the fold about an inch (centimeter) above the triangles.

Mountain fold the bottom corners under the toilet paper. This makes the bottom of the gem. If this is too tricky you can lift the toilet paper up.

Layer the toilet paper back down and admire your gem.

Heart Fold

Make a small vertical rip from the bottom edge of the toilet paper. Make it nearly an inch (two centimeters).

Fold up both corners of the ripped section of the toilet paper. This makes two small triangles. Try to make these the same size and make sure the folds are at a 45 degree angle.

Fold in the left and right corners of toilet paper. Make these triangles the same size as the ones in the middle.

Pull down the toilet paper one and a half sheets down.

Valley fold the toilet paper back up. Fold up about three inches (eight centimeters).

Mountain fold the bottom corners behind the toilet paper. This makes the bottom of the heart. Ensure you keep the other folds neat.

Roll the toilet paper so the heart is in the middle.

Boat Fold

Lift up one and a half sheets of toilet paper.

Fold the two top corners down to the middle. The edges meet in the center.

Adjust the toilet paper back onto the roll.

Fold in the left and right edges a little. If you want a narrow sail, fold in a lot, and if you want a wide sail fold in a small amount.

Valley fold the triangle up at the base. This creates a triangle.

Roll the toilet paper down until it is centered.

Fold up the bottom edge of the triangle. This create the hull. For a shallow hull fold a tiny bit, or for a deeper hull fold up more.

Mountain fold the left and right sizes of the hull under.

Center the boat on the roll. Admire the shapes of the bow and stern of the sailboat.

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