How to Flirt with a Capricorn Man: 15 Tips to Attract a Capricorn
How to Flirt with a Capricorn Man: 15 Tips to Attract a Capricorn
How do you flirt with a Capricorn man, the zodiac’s most practical, no-nonsense workaholic? It’s actually pretty straightforward—when you show him your intelligence and ambition, he’ll have more than just work on his mind. We’ve consulted expert astrologists to create a thorough list of the conversation topics, touches, and tactics you need to flirt up a storm with a Capricorn man. If you’re ready to make the Goat all yours, read on!This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Build a friendship with him.

To flirt effectively with a Capricorn man, become part of his close circle. Capricorns don’t socialize well outside of their few close companions. These are the people they love and miss the most. Take the pressure off yourself and just get to know him, no strings attached. Bond over something you have in common, like a favorite sports team or an interest in reality TV. Take genuine interest in his hobbies, work, and other friends. You’ll have an especially easy time befriending him if you’re coworkers or classmates. For most Cap men, a love affair starts as a friendship first. These are the relationships that last the longest for them because the foundation is so strong. Love astrology? Take this quiz to discover your soulmate’s sign.

Take an interest in his life.

Capricorn men fall for thoughtful people who want to learn about them. Show him you really care by asking him about his passions, goals, dreams, and favorite things. Actively listen to his answers—he’ll be awestruck if you order his favorite food he mentioned one time, or bring him a small gift based on his interests. Ask him things like: “What’s your favorite non-work thing to do?” “If you could only live in one place for the rest of your life, where would you live?” “What are you most proud about in your career so far?”

Engage him in intellectual conversation.

Capricorn men love talking to intelligent people about deep subjects. They’re smart guys that don’t care much for small talk or superficial subjects, so bring up practical things like work and money or deep topics like literature and philosophy. Check your news app before you flirt—your knowledge about current events, politics, and the economy will impress him too. Enjoy yourself while you’re chatting about serious topics—he’ll notice if you’re into the conversation (and fall for you if you are). Capricorn men are very proper at first. Avoid bringing up controversial topics or making NSFW comments until you get to know him better. A stimulating conversation is a big turn on for a Cap man. When you can charm him intellectually first, he’ll be more open to physical flirtation later.

Show him you’re well-connected.

Capricorn men like people who can help them climb the social ladder. It’s part of their ambitious nature—they want to be with someone who’s helpful to them in a practical way. Don’t be afraid to shamelessly name drop. Mention anyone remotely famous, influential, or powerful you’ve ever interacted with—your Cap guy will definitely look at you with renewed interest. Capricorn guys love anything high-status. He’ll be fascinated to know about any prestigious schools, jobs, or awards on your resume.

Prove you’re ambitious.

Capricorn men are total workaholics and want a partner who works hard. They’re on the lookout for someone who can match their ambition. Tell him all about your 5-year plan (or even better, your 10-year plan), including all of your professional and personal goals. He’ll be beyond enchanted by your organization, foresight, and drive. A Cap man works hard to live an enjoyable and comfortable life. Grab his interest and tell him about the travels and rewards you want to get from your hard work and focus. The Goat is a transactional sign, and he sees everything as a business move. Prove you’re a good investment with a bright career and he’ll be all over you.

Show him you share traditional values.

Family, friends, and the state of the world are important to a Cap man. He’ll feel comfortable and attracted to you if you share these values too. Share heartwarming memories from your upbringing or fun stories about milestones in your life (like college graduation or your first full-time job) to highlight your love of a well-followed path. Capricorn men eventually want to settle down and raise a family with the money earned from their flourishing career. He’ll be intrigued by you if he senses you want these things too. Save stories about your wacky relatives, rebellious phases, or wild nights out for when you’ve gotten to know each other better.

Make him laugh.

After work, Capricorn guys love to be entertained and laugh. They have a dry, somewhat dark sense of humor and are looking for someone funny and lighthearted to balance them out. Smile a lot and crack some jokes. If you can make him laugh about a worrying situation with a dark joke or two, he’ll be addicted to you. Chances are he’s not into crude or bawdy humor. Stick to witty comebacks or quips about current events to tickle his intellectual sense of humor. Don’t be afraid to show your goofy side between talks about your professional goals—your Cap guy will be drawn to your ability to let loose and work hard.

Ask him for his help.

You can endear yourself to a Cap man when you make him feel helpful. Ask him for assistance with something like car trouble or a small household “emergency.” He’ll automatically hope that you’re OK—he cares about life’s necessities, and is concerned about people he cares for being prepared for emergencies. If he comes running to the rescue, you’ll know he’s interested in you. Enlist his help with things like: Complicated reports or projects at work or school. Physical tasks like heavy lifting or rearranging furniture. Advice about a social or professional dilemma, especially if it involves networking.

Keep the texting to a minimum.

Capricorn men aren’t the best texters. If it doesn’t revolve around needing his assistance, listening to what he has to say, or appealing to his sense of humor, you may get ghosted. Keep your messages short and your conversations efficient—stick to practical things like making plans, asking relevant questions, or offering him something beneficial to his career or interests. If you want to have a full text conversation, message him first. He’s unsure of himself when he’s flirting and will probably hesitate to reach out. Dirty talk and sexting aren't most Capricorn guys’ jam. Send him a radiant selfie or a pic of you wearing a cute outfit instead. His interest will be piqued when you leave a little something to the imagination. Respond to him promptly and reliably when he texts you. Capricorns love protocol and consistency, and he’ll reach out to you more when he knows what to expect.

Look sexy and sophisticated.

A Capricorn man goes wild for a polished look with a little mystery. Something form-fitting that accentuates your body is more attractive to him than showing a lot of skin. Make sure your clothes are always wrinkle-free and presentable, too—he’ll be into someone that looks sharp whether they’re out for cocktails or strutting into the board room for an important meeting. Simple patterns and dark, neutral colors satisfy his preference for simplicity. Think classic colors like navy blue, black, brown, olive green, or charcoal gray. Simple accessories, like classic gold or silver jewelry, are appealing to a Capricorn man. Statement pieces or anything “loud” might be too eccentric. Play up your dark facial features—thick eyelashes, full brows, and a smokey eye are particularly alluring to him.

Keep your flirting PG.

A Capricorn man is cautious and won’t rush into intimacy. Innuendos, dirty jokes, and suggestive touches might scare him off if you lay them on too soon. Instead, focus on classic flirting moves—lots of eye contact and fluttering eyelashes, giggling at his jokes, and smiling work wonders on this old-school guy. Simple touches to his hand or leg while you’re talking are direct enough to get his attention without being intrusive. If he’s making jokes and puts in effort to spend time with you, it’s a sign he’s into you. Look out for these signs before you crank up the heat on your flirting. A Cap guy loves a long game. Let the anticipation build up during your wholesome flirtation to make him eager to take things to the next level.

Make the first move.

A Capricorn guy takes forever to decide whether to make a move or not. If your flirty eye contact and giggling aren't prodding him enough, make the first move by just telling him how you feel. He’ll appreciate how you cut to the chase—playing hard-to-get or making him guess how you feel will only push him away. Try: “Hey, I really enjoy spending time with you and would love to get to know you better.” “I like you as more than a friend. Let’s grab a coffee sometime.” “I’m just gonna come right out and say it—I really like you.”

Go at his slow pace.

If a Capricorn man feels rushed or hunted, he’ll start to distance himself. He takes his time evaluating people and doesn’t want to be pressured into a commitment. Get a few flirty interactions under your belt before you let him know how you feel to show him you have more than just a passing crush. Once your feelings are out there, give him time to process his reaction and respond. Don’t flirt with or pursue him too hard too soon. He might mistrust your familiarity and think you’re trying to manipulate him or get something out of him. Capricorn is not generally a “mushy” sign and they’re practical about the people they love. Getting too emotional too soon will make him think you’re not a compatible, practical match.

Give him space.

Capricorn guys are independent and want control of their circumstances. They need alone time to organize their thoughts and feelings and enjoy their personal space. At first, text him sparingly and aim to make plans once or twice a week. You might want to see him more, but he’s a distant, proper sign that sees spending too much time together early on as immature. As he warms up to you, he’ll want to spend more time with you. Any effort on his part to make plans or see you is a huge sign that your flirtatious efforts are paying off.

Be open and honest.

As a practical earth sign, a Capricorn man doesn’t see the point of lying. He expects his partner to be truthful, and probably won’t ever forget about a lie. Show him you’re trustworthy and dependable from the beginning by being open about what’s on your mind and not hiding anything from him. Capricorn men are cautious and slow to trust. They’ll feel very betrayed if they find out you’ve withheld something from them or weren’t honest with them. They hate playing mind games and always prefer straightforward, direct communication.

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