How to Flirt with a Capricorn
How to Flirt with a Capricorn
Are you crushing hard on a special Capricorn? That's not surprising since there's a lot to admire about this ambitious and thoughtful earth sign.[1]
Expert Source

Angel EyedealismAstrologer & Performance Artist

Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.

To get your flirt on, focus on making them laugh, talking about intelligent topics, and appealing to their sophisticated nature. Read on for our comprehensive guide to flirting with a Capricorn, complete with examples and suggestions to get you started.This article is based on an interview with our professional astrologer, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Dress to impress.

This sign has high standards and an eye for elegance. Wear flattering but conservative clothes to show Capricorn you have great taste. The phrase "dress for the job you want" applies to flirting with a Capricorn; dress the part if you want to get flirty with them. Capricorns love simple, classy clothing. Try dark jeans and a dapper, neutral-toned sweater for a masculine look. If your style is more feminine, try dark pants (or a dark skirt) and a cute top with one noticeable embellishment, like a ruffled hem or a twist knot. Love astrology? Take this quiz to discover your soulmate’s sign.

Approach them first.

Capricorns are cautious and will wait for you to show interest first. Because Capricorns can be unsure of themselves when it comes to flirting, they'll appreciate you breaking the ice. Just smile and walk up to them! You might say: "Hey! We met the other day at Jenna's get-together—it's great to see you." Don't push too hard initially. These stubborn earth signs don't like to feel rushed.

Focus on being friendly.

Capricorns are old-fashioned so don't make an obvious pass at them. Wait until you've hung out with your Capricorn a few times before you flirt openly with them. Let them get to know you better and be polite and friendly in the meantime. If you act too soon, it might scare a Capricorn off. If you take it slow, your Capricorn will loosen up and joke around—a clear sign that they like you. Try inviting your Capricorn to a group hangout or game night. This gives you a chance to spend time together without getting flirty too soon.

Ask about their interests.

Capricorns love to chat about their hobbies and passions. Find out what your Capricorn likes and try to find some shared interests. Express curiosity and enthusiasm about their hobbies, and ask thoughtful questions. A Capricorn will be flattered by your curiosity. "I bet you have great taste in music. What are a few of your favorite artists?" If your Capricorn tells you about a book they love, offer to read it. "I think that sounds fascinating—would you lend it to me? If you like it, I'm sure I will too." Take it slow and don't expect to learn everything about your Capricorn at once; they like to be a little mysterious and get to know people gradually.

Stick to intelligent topics.

Show off your smarts to catch a cerebral Capricorn's attention. They don't like mindless flirting—they like to be mentally stimulated and flirt while discussing topics with substance. Bring up deep subjects with your Capricorn, such as politics, economics, or philosophy. They'll be impressed by your knowledge and eager to share their own. "I love weird history facts. Any good podcast or documentary recommendations? I trust your opinion." "I've been thinking about this one concept from my politics class a lot, and I'd like to talk it through with you. You've always got an interesting perspective!" Text them a link to a news story. "I've got some thoughts about this, and I'm curious to know what you think too!"

Talk about your ambitions.

This driven sign is attracted to people who also reach for the stars. Tell your Capricorn about your career ambitions, and ask about their own. Get flirty by complimenting Capricorn on the progress they've made and celebrating their accomplishments. Capricorn wants to know that you're a motivated person who can help them work towards their goals too. "I've worked hard to get where I am in life—and I have much more planned for the future! ????" "I think it's so impressive that you have plans to start your own company. If anyone can do it, you can!" Capricorns can be social climbers, and they like being with people who give them practical help to meet their goals. Hint that you have connections and other successful friends—and offer to introduce them.

Ask them for advice.

Capricorns are practical and like to feel useful. Asking for a Capricorn's help is a great way to get their attention. Start simple by asking for help with a minor household problem or car issue. Or, if there's a subject your Capricorn is knowledgeable about, ask them a question about it. "Any pointers for hanging up a picture frame? You've got a great eye for balance, and I want my walls looking neat!" "My car is having trouble starting because of the cold. What's the first thing you do when that happens?" "I need a true film enthusiast's advice: what should I watch tonight?"

Make them laugh.

Capricorns have a hidden funny bone and dry sense of humor. Flirt with your Capricorn by telling witty jokes; they enjoy dark humor that highlights the funny side of a negative situation. Capricorn can get lost in their own thoughts, so they'll appreciate your ability to make them smile no matter what. Though they appear serious, Capricorns love to laugh. "Did you know that in New York, someone gets stabbed every 52 seconds? Poor guy." "Yeah, obviously I talk to myself—sometimes I need expert advice!" Steer clear of crude humor with your Capricorn.

Use clean language.

Straight-laced Capricorns are turned off suggestive comments. They'll enjoy that side of flirting one day, but only when you're more familiar with one another. For now, make sure your flirts are more classy and subtle. Charm a Capricorn with your sophistication, and they'll be yours in no time. "Wow! You look amazing today. I'm lucky to be with you." "I love that I can talk about anything with you. We're a great match!" Avoid teasing your Capricorn as well; they don't like being made fun of, even if you're doing it in good fun.

Focus solely on them.

Loyal Capricorns and don't want to compete for your affection. Make sure you're not flirting with anyone else once you start with your Capricorn—and make it clear to the Capricorn that they're the only person you have eyes for. Some signs treat flirting like a game, but Capricorn flirts as a means to get to know you better and deepen your relationship.

Be consistent and reliable.

Protocol is important to the organized and rigid Capricorn. For example, a Capricorn would be offended if you showed up late to a date because you'd be going against your agreement to arrive at a certain time. Follow through on your commitments and prove that you'll be a dependable partner for your Capricorn crush. "Let's meet up at 8 PM sharp! I wouldn't dream of keeping you waiting. ????" "I really appreciate how responsible you are—it makes me happy to be with someone who respects my time as much as I respect theirs. ♥️"

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