- Trigger the Divine Fragmentation questline by defeating Zeteon, Redemptive Mind, a giant Vex enemy on the Moon. Pick up his Exotic engram to begin the quest.
- Analyze 3 Vex cores on Nessus (located at The Orrery, Ancient’s Haunt, and the Conflux). Then, gather 120 Sol Divisive Vex parts on the Moon.
- Create the Empowered Decryption Core with 30 Phantasmal Fragments. Finally, launch the Garden of Salvation raid and complete all 7 of its puzzles.
Unlocking the Divinity Rifle
Obtain the Divine Fragmentation questline. Travel to Sorrow’s Harbor on the Moon, which is where the entrance to the Garden of Salvation raid is located. From there, head to the southern exit and travel across the field toward the Lunar Battlegrounds; once you get there, turn left and enter the caves. You’ll find a large cavern with a Vex gate inside. Defeat all the enemies around it until a giant Vex called Zeteon, Redemptive Mind, appears—and defeat him too. Zeteon drops an Exotic engram upon his defeat. Be sure to pick this up! It unlocks the quest “What’s This… What’s This?” which is part of the Divine Fragmentation questline. Zeteon’s engram also counts toward the Sturm Exotic Hand Cannon quest, so it’s useful to pick up for multiple reasons. Plenty of other activities hand out quests that unlock powerful gear, too; for example, Gambit mode is part of completing the Darkness in the Light quest, and farming dungeons helps you get the Artifice Armor set.
Analyze 3 Vex cores on Nessus. To complete “What’s This… What’s This?” and continue the Divine Fragmentation quest, you’ll need 3 Vex cores—which essentially look like glowing boxes. You’ll find the Vex cores you need on Nessus at 3 different Lost Sectors: The Orrery, Ancient’s Haunt, and The Conflux. Once you find a core, interact with it to get enemies to spawn. After the enemies are defeated, interact with the core once more to analyze it. The Orrery. Start at Artifact’s Edge (on Nessus) and work your way to The Orrery. Look for a room filled with blue light and a wall with an opening in it. This leads to a hidden area containing the Vex core. The Conflux. This is located in the middle of the Cistern, north of the Well of Flame. Navigate to the waterfall and look for a cave at the bottom and to the left; inside the cave, you’ll be able to find and analyze a core. Ancient’s Haunt. From Artifact’s Edge, head to the Tangle. Reach the section where boss enemies spawn (called Ancient’s Haunt) and look for a cave on the left wall. Inside, you’ll find the final core.
Gather 120 Sol Divisive Vex parts. The next part of the Divine Fragmentation quest requires you to collect 120 Sol Divisive Vex parts in order to repair corrupted Vex data. To collect these parts, defeat Vex in the Garden of Salvation raid. Alternatively, travel to the Lunar Battlegrounds and defeat waves of Vex to pick up parts—and, if you need more, fast travel to Sorrow’s Harbor and take your Sparrow vehicle back to the battlegrounds for additional waves of Vex to spawn.
Create the Empowered Decryption Core. To create the needed Decryption Core, visit Eris Morn on the Moon and use the Lectern of Enchantment. First, purchase 30 Phantasmal Fragments from the Lectern (or farm them by doing daily bounties for the Lectern). Then, with the Lectern of Enchantment, use the Phantasmal Fragments to make an Empowered Decryption Core and proceed with the Divine Fragmentation quest. To unlock the Lectern of Enchantment, do the “Back from the Dark” quest (which is part of the Shadowkeep campaign) first. The quest after it is called “Lectern of Enchantment,” and once that’s complete, you’ll be able to use the Lectern.
Finish all Garden of Salvation puzzles and complete the raid. Launch the Garden of Salvation raid; there are laser puzzle sequences before and after each encounter. Solve all 7 puzzles to earn the Divinity rifle—but remember that both the puzzles and the entire raid must be finished in a single sitting. Going to Orbit and then reloading the raid will reset your progress! Additionally, you’ll need a full raid team (5 other people) to complete this step. When you spawn in the raid, jump off the cliff in front of you to reach a cave and interact with the node there. Continue through the raid until you find a set of stairs with curved walls—which is where you’ll find the first puzzle. Once all puzzles are finished, the raid must still be completed! Finish off the final boss enemy, then drop down past the final boss area and into the reward room. If all the puzzles are complete, you’ll unlock Divinity there. Divinity isn't the only Exotic rifle that can be unlocked in the game; many are spread through different campaigns and questlines. For example, you can find the Exotic Cloudstrike rifle by completing the Beyond Light campaign. If you need some extra guidance on completing the Garden of Salvation puzzles, refer to the section below!
Completing the Garden of Salvation Puzzles
Puzzle 1 You’ll need all 6 players to complete this puzzle! The left room marks the start of the puzzle, while the right room is the end. Have 3 players stand to the left, with 1 right next to the node while the others are distanced toward the window near the stairs. Then, have the 3 remaining players stand in the same configuration in the right-side room. The player closest to the node can activate it, chaining electricity from player to player. Once each player is distanced correctly, electricity will automatically chain from the beginning to the end of the puzzle, and you’ll see a message saying, “ACCEPTED: Singular security bypass.” The goal of each puzzle is essentially to chain electricity from the puzzle’s starting point to its end, with the player closest to a node acting as the start of the tether. This puzzle is located beneath the curved walls in the raid area. There, you’ll find 2 hidden rooms (one left and one right).
Puzzle 2 To solve this puzzle, station a player at the entrance to the cave where the puzzle is located. Then, position the other players in spots along the cave with circular holes. Ensure each spot is filled; then, have the final player head outside the cave, keeping to the left until they reach a tether box. That player must activate the box to lift the forcefield around all other players, solving the puzzle and enabling you all to leave the cave. You’ll find this puzzle after the 1st encounter of the raid. To reach the puzzle, travel along the right side of the raid area (which is filled with flowers) until you see a pink tree. Next to the tree, there’s a cave. Crouch to get inside, and you’ll be in the puzzle area.
Puzzle 3 You’ll find this puzzle in the underground tree platforming section of the raid. Look for a branch sprouting from the ceiling; beneath it, there’s a tether box and a large shootable pod, while the branch itself has an array of nodes. Link electricity through each of the 6 nodes (which can be done by splitting players up, each to a node) to solve the puzzle.
Puzzle 4 After the 3rd raid encounter, find this puzzle at the end of the platforming chasm to the west. There, you’ll find a box; activate it to spawn 6 nodes, which must be lit to progress the puzzle. Keep in mind that breaking the line of sight resets the puzzle! To prevent this, form a circle around the main pillar (with all raid players) before chaining the nodes.
Puzzle 5 To solve this puzzle, you’ll need to move as a group with the other 5 players; moving away from one another resets the puzzle. Walk around the chasm from the left side, or simply jump to the other side. Upon entering the next area, Supplicant Harpies will spawn. Work with your fire team to get the harpies to explode; then, you’re free to link all 6 of the nodes in the area to complete the puzzle. You’ll find this in the same room as the previous puzzle (#4).
Puzzle 6 You’ll be able to complete this puzzle after the 6th raid encounter. Navigate to the large field with 2 waterfalls, and enter the small cave between them. Inside the cave, you’ll find the starting node for the puzzle; shoot it to make the ending node appear (which is up on a ledge). To solve the puzzle, chain all 6 players—thereby stretching the electricity as far as possible.
Puzzle 7 The final puzzle of the raid is located in the same room where the previous puzzle began. You’ll find 6 glowing plates on the ground there; to complete the puzzle, have each player stand on a single plate, making a line that looks like the carvings on the ground. Once that’s done, the lights will project 7 formations for you and your teammates to replicate. After you’ve replicated all 7, the ground will shake, signifying that the puzzle has been solved.
Divinity Rifle Overview & Perks
Divinity is 1 of 4 Exotic trace rifles available in Destiny 2. By completing the Divine Fragmentation questline, you’ll get Divinity as a reward. This powerful rifle’s main purpose is weakening enemies (allowing other players to deal even more damage to vulnerable enemies, thus making battles easier). Nonetheless, Divinity is still capable of dealing plenty of damage itself! Its two main perks are Judgment and Penance. Judgment. With this perk, sustained damage from Divinity creates a field around the enemy that weakens and disrupts them—while also making any hits that connect deal critical damage. This is especially useful for powerful bosses that are tough to hit! Penance. Once targets are under the effects of Judgment for long enough, the Penance perk strikes them with a burst of damage—improving the Divinity rifle’s overall damage output. Want to make Divinity even more powerful? Getting upgrade modules will help you improve this already formidable weapon's strength.
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