How to Escape if Someone Grabs Your Hair
How to Escape if Someone Grabs Your Hair
When an attacker grabs your hair, they suddenly have near full control of your body. Long hair can be used for leverage, and hair's strength in as a bunch means that an assailant could pull you every which way if you're not ready to pry them off. Luckily, however, there are several ways to pull them off you.

Removing Assailants Grabbing the Top of your Head

Grab onto the wrist holding your hair with both hands. This is essential step one, as it prevents someone from taking complete control of your body. If someone has a big handful of your hair you pretty much have to go where they pull you, as they have a lot of leverage. You want to allow them to move your head, slightly, but not your hair.

Hold the wrist close to your head to limit an attacker's control on you. Both hands should grab either side of their wrist with the thumbs below the and fingers meeting, but not interlocked, above. Take some of the advantages away by gripping their wrists and holding it close to your head, limiting their control of you. Step forward, towards the pull, to use the attacker's energy against them.

Slide one hand up and grip their pinky. This is the weakest finger and the easiest way to get in and pry the grip off. Luckily, you don't even have to be that strong, as a broken little finger will more than likely cause them to let go. Do not try to peel all of their fingers off at once. The pinky is small and weak -- no match for the strength of your whole arm.

Quickly pull the pinky back towards the assailants wrist. Use your body weight and other hand to help to get more strength. You want to push their wrist away with the one hand, peel back the pinkie with the other, and simultaneously step away to remove their hand from your hair.

Removing Assailants Grabbing the Side of Your Head

Grip the wrist holding your hair with one hand. Again, this prevents someone from controlling your body and movement completely. Set your feet so that you're on balance, and use this hand to resist their movement. Even if they are stronger than you and ultimately could pull you around, this is just the first move meant to force them off balance.

Reach up with the other hand and to slide your fingers around the attacker's pinkie, using your hair to get under their hand. Grab their little finger with as many of your fingers as you can. The more leverage you can get on this finger, the better.

Peel the pinkie back to the back of the assailant's hand. The quicker you can do this motion, the better. The pain and shock will open up his/her hand, allowing you to get free. If he/she doesn't let go, keep bending until the finger breaks. Keep your elbow up in front of your face to protect yourself from his free arm, which can still hit you.

Slide away from the attacker's free arm as you bend the fingers back. If you're using both hands to cut off his hair hold, then he still has one arm left to attack with. To avoid this, roll into the pinkie bend. By also following his movement (the way he is pulling your hair) you prevent damage and force him to swing or turn his body before he can strike you with his far off arm. Even if he can get small blows in, he won't have the power to do much in the few seconds before you break his pinkie. Rolling your body along the attacker's arm also puts him in front of you, allowing you to get away once you get his hand free.

Step back immediately to create space and escape. You want to move forward into the counter-attack, and then immediately move off once the hands are out of your hair. Use the few seconds of time to get away immediately.

Striking Back (Further Techniques)

Always grab their wrists or the hand on your hair to limit control. Grabbing a hold of them is always the first response to someone grabbing your hair. Get control of their wrist and hold it close to your head to prevent damage and loss of bodily control.

Strike right above their elbow joint with a fist or karate chop as you pull them close. Your one hand grabs theirs, pulling closer to prevent them from yanking you around. As you do, strike out with the other hand right at their elbow. Aim just a little higher up, where the joint meets the bicep, for the best response. Hit with you knuckles for the hardest, most successful strike. Press against the inside of your bicep, moving up until your find a sensitive spot that causes your arm to curl slightly when pressed. This is your target.

Simultaneously, strike with the knee into the groin area. As you pull close, you'll be taking a step with your outside foot. Over-exaggerate this step into a knee at your attacker, letting your knee hit soon after you punch their arm.

Immediately step back to create space. Once they let go and the knee connects, step back and use this time to escape.

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