How to Do a Rabona
How to Do a Rabona
The Rabona is a soccer trick that involves crossing your legs to chip the ball. The rabona is quite a difficult and skillful technique that can be used to pass, cross or shoot. It's a technique that is largely done for show, but when executed correctly it can be an effective and show-stopping move.[1]
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With a lot of practice, any player can learn the rabona and look like a pro.

Learning Proper Rabona Technique

Determine your kicking foot. Your kicking foot will usually be your dominant foot. For most people, your dominant foot is correlative with your dominant hand, meaning that if you're right-handed you will kick with your right foot. However, that isn't always the case. Some people are right-handed but kick with the left foot, or vice versa, and some people are ambidextrous, meaning they can alternate fluidly between using the right and left hand or foot. Though you may favor one foot over the other, studies have shown that both dominant and non-dominant feet are capable of equal kicking strength. Find which foot you are more comfortable with, and build up the balance and muscle strength to rely on that foot.

Plant your weaker foot next to the ball. It is important that your non-dominant foot remains firmly planted on the ground. This sets up your entire posture and range of movement for the kick. The positioning and firmness of your planted foot also helps your body maintain balance during the kick.

Check your position. The ball should be sitting on the outside of your non-kicking foot. If you are going to kick with the right foot, then the ball should be about one foot (20-30 cm) to the outside (left) of your left foot. If you are going to kick with the left foot, then the ball should be to the outside of your right foot. The distance between your dominant foot and the ball ensures that you get a long wind-up for the kick, creating more power in your shot. Your planted foot needs to be facing the target in order to ensure an accurate shot. If you have trouble making clean contact with the ball then your planted foot is probably too close to the ball or too far in front of the ball. Make sure that it is in the right position.

Lean back with arms outstretched. This is important, as it gives you the balance you need to execute the kick. Your body should be leaning slightly backwards and to the side away from the ball when you strike. This helps you to maintain balance and gain power and lift with your kick.

Focus on the spot on the ball where you would like to hit. Look at a spot towards the underside of the ball when aiming. This is a very difficult shot so it is important to strike accurately. Keep your eyes on the ball at all times. Striking the ball on the underside helps create lift and height on your shot.

Swing your kicking foot around behind your planted leg. As you swing your dominant leg around behind your planted leg, try to bring your foot all the way up to your bottom by bending your knee. Lifting your foot as high as possible will greatly increase the power of your strike. Keep your non-kicking leg slightly bent to maintain balance and to help you strike the ball cleanly. Try to use as big of a windup as possible.

Curl your foot as you swing your leg around. You should be striking the ball with the outside of your foot. When you kick with the top outside part of your soccer boot, your kick gains power and accuracy.

Turn your shoulders to face the target as you follow through. The follow through can be particularly difficult for the rabona because your non-kicking leg will be in the way. It can sometimes help to lift both feet off the ground as you complete your strike.

Be sure your kick makes contact with the bottom of the ball. Kicking the underside of the ball helps to provide lift and height on your shot. Ensure that you make contact with the ball in one smooth motion. The rabona should feel natural and comfortable. If you are having trouble getting lift and height on the ball, then you are probably hitting the top or middle of the ball. Make sure you are making contact with the underside of the ball and practice until striking the bottom of the ball becomes comfortable.

Perfecting the Rabona

Strengthen your core muscles. The rabona relies on a strong core to maintain balance and generate enough power as you twist to strike the ball. Strengthen your core by completing abs and back exercises such as sit-ups and planks.

Practice often. The rabona is a very difficult shot that can take months and even years to master. As you practice, this move will feel more comfortable, and you will become a better player for your efforts.

Try the rabona while in motion. It will take a while to master the rabona from a stationary position, but once you've gotten it down you'll need to build the move into a usable soccer technique, and that means being able to do it in motion. Slowly dribble towards your target and then attempt the rabona. It may feel different to attempt this shot while in motion but make sure your technique is the same as when the ball was in one place. Check that your feet are placed correctly and that you maintain balance through the strike.

Try to gain additional speed. Once you can complete the rabona while in motion work on increasing your speed. Try dribbling the ball at a run before completing the rabona. You can also start trying the rabona from different angles to become more fluid in your movements and turn this trick into a useful game skill.

Work on accuracy. Set up four cones as a square target for practicing your aim. Continue practicing the rabona until you can reliably kick the ball so that it lands in this square. Once you can reliably use a rabona to kick the ball into the square made of cones, try aiming into a trashcan. This is a much harder target that will help you to perfect your aim and create a more accurate lift with the rabona.

Learn different uses for the rabona. The rabona can be used if you are on the wrong side of the ball or are at an awkward angle from which to shoot. The rabona is also useful when you do not have much space in which to attempt a shot or pass. Use the rabona to trick the defense or goalie. The rabona can also be used as a fake for goalies or defense. For example, the defense or goalie may think you are going to shoot with your left foot but you instead complete a rabona with your right foot. This can get the goalie’s or defense’s weight shifted in the wrong direction, opening up space for your shot or pass. Work on adding a fake to the beginning of your rabona. If you want to complete a rabona using your right foot as the kicking foot, then stop the ball with your right foot. Draw the ball backwards with your right foot towards the outside of your left foot and then swing your right foot around to the backside. This fake will trick the defense or goalie and open up space for your kick.

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