How to Decorate a Girl's Room
How to Decorate a Girl's Room
Girls can spend a lot of time in their rooms between playing games, doing homework, and hanging out with friends. It’s important to decorate the space to match her interests but also be able to grow with her. When it comes to decorating a girl’s bedroom, you need to pick a color scheme and a theme, choose the right furniture, and add details to round out the room. In general, it’s best to avoid picking a childish theme for the room, since her interests may change quickly.

Picking Colors and Themes

Ask her what she wants her room to look like when it’s done. Since she’s going to be spending a lot of time in the room, she’ll want to make the decisions. Remind her that you will respect what she wants, but you also want the room to still look appealing to her in a few years. Be sure to make note of her interests, favorite colors, and anything else she wants. You don’t have to include all of her interests, but you can try to base the room off of her general likes and dislikes. If all of her interests are included, there won’t really be a “theme.” For instance, if she likes animals, instead of painting a jungle mural on the wall, you can look for bedding and photos that have pictures of wildlife and animals on them. If she enjoys cartoons, you can hang up framed pictures of her favorite characters on the wall. Then, use the color of her favorite character for the accent colors in the room. For a princess-themed bedroom, incorporate “royal” elements, like crowns, floral prints, and a few sparkly and shiny fixtures to make the room seem more magical.

Select a light, neutral color for the walls to brighten up the space. Choose a color that will coordinate with a variety of different shades and themes to avoid having to repaint again as she gets older. Opt for a color like white, pastel pink, light blue, or light yellow for the walls to make the space look larger and more open. Try to stay away from dark, vibrant colors that she may not like in a few years, like pink, purple, navy blue, red, or even black. It’s difficult to coordinate other colors with these shades.

Opt for a dynamic wallpaper for a bolder, more permanent look. Pick a wallpaper with a large, eye-catching print, and hang it on an accent wall to draw the eye to the focal point of the room. Try to pick a timeless design or pattern, like stripes, florals, or even a solid color with a shiny, foiled print. Keep in mind that it’s a lot more difficult to remove wallpaper than it is to simply repaint a wall. Make sure you pick a design that can grow with her interests and taste.

Pick 2-3 accent colors to use for decorations throughout the room. Choose from her favorite colors to make the color scheme. You can even use a piece of art, a wallpaper pattern, or a fabric design as your inspiration. This will keep the room looking colorful without appearing over-decorated or uncoordinated. For instance, if she likes pink, you can make your color scheme white, pink, and gold for a classic stylish look. If she enjoys nature and animals, consider a tan, green, and yellow color scheme to incorporate outdoor scenes.

Selecting and Arranging Furniture

Pick a suitable bed frame in a twin, double, or queen size. Measure the perimeter of the room to see how much space you have to place the furniture. If you have limited space, opt for a twin bed. If you have more space, you can choose a double or queen bed. Select a frame made from durable materials, like metal or wood. Then, you can add fun, removable decorations to the bed to fit the room’s theme. For instance, if you want to buy a princess bed, consider getting a classic four-post bed and hanging a removable canopy on top of it. Then, if she loses interest in princesses, she can take the canopy off of the bed for a more mature look. In a jungle-themed room, you might opt for a simple iron bed frame, and then wrap fake vines and plants around the bed posts and headboard. It’s easy to remove the vines and save them for another project if she wants to change the style of the room when she’s older and wants something more mature. Wooden and iron frames are always popular choices for children’s beds because they’re sturdy and stylish.

Select a coordinating dresser and nightstand to store clothes and other items. Choose a dresser and nightstand that might be larger than necessary to fit her changing wardrobe. As a general rule, pick a dresser and nightstand that have the same style as the bed frame, whether it’s rustic, modern, or classic. In some cases, you may be able to get a deal on matching sets from a furniture store to make coordinating easier. For example, if the room has a rustic theme with floral accents, it might be better to choose a vintage-looking dresser and nightstand, rather than modern variations. If you’re going for a simple, modern look, you might opt for black and white modular furniture that’s easy to mix and match. Be sure to anchor any tall or heavy pieces of furniture to the wall to keep them from falling over.

Use bookshelves and storage bins to hold toys, games, and books. Storage is extremely important for a child’s room. Purchase colorful plastic bins and a sturdy wooden bookshelf to hold all of her items when she isn’t using them. Store the bins under the bed or on a low shelf for easy access and to keep them out of the way. It may be helpful to label the bins to make sure she knows what goes where. Once the room is finished, give her a tour of her new space.

Place the bed against a wall to maximize space in the room. When you get a bed, position it with one side along a wall, and make sure it’s not blocking any vents or outlets. If the bed is too long to sit horizontally against the wall, you can place the bed with the head against a wall and the end facing into the center of the room. Placing the bed in a corner is good because it takes up a small amount of space and leaves plenty of room in the middle of the floor.

Arrange the dresser and other furniture around the perimeter of the room. Most people choose to place the furniture along the walls of the room to leave an open space in the middle for playing. Make sure larger items, like dressers and bookshelves, aren’t blocking the windows and doors. Position a nightstand next to the bed to hold items she might need in bed, like a TV remote or a glass of water. For large, heavy furniture, like bookshelves and dressers, anchor the pieces to the wall using a furniture anchoring kit to prevent them from tipping over.

Make a reading or homework area with a table and chair. If the room is large enough, get a comfortable chair and an appropriate-height table to make a work or craft area. Make sure there’s enough light for reading, and position arts supplies, paper, pencils, and books on a nearby shelf or in a bin for easy access. This will help to make the room multipurpose. You can even refinish an older desk for an easy and inexpensive study or craft table for her room.

Adding Details and Decorations

Choose a duvet and throw pillows in a fun print or color. Since these can easily be switched out as she gets older, let her pick the bedding and throw pillows that she likes. Let her pick the colors and designs that she likes. This is an easy way to add a pop of color, especially if the walls are a lighter, neutral shade. For example, if the room is princess themed, you can choose a duvet that has a castle on it with ruffle pillows. For a dinosaur theme, you might choose a duvet that has a cartoon dinosaur print on it and solid-colored pillows in green, yellow, and light blue to match the room’s color scheme.

Pick a patterned rug to lay under the bed or in the middle of the room. Choose a rug in a fun design based on the theme of the room. Position it alongside one side of the bed, or place it in the middle of the room. You can also put it next the the bed. This will help to cushion her feet as she gets out of bed and can act as a play space. It’s easy to replace rugs as they get worn. Don’t worry about the design being too bold or colorful since it’s on the floor and can provide contrast for the room. For instance, if you’re decorating a princess-themed room, you might look for a rug that has Cinderella’s castle on it.

Put a lamp on the nightstand or near the bed for softer lighting. Some younger kids are afraid of the dark and might need a night light or lamp to be able to sleep. Choose one with a dimmable light that’s safe to leave on for longer periods of time, and choose a lamp shade in one of your accent colors. Make sure you have a nearby outlet before you decide where to place the lamp. If the lamp ends up being far away from the bed, consider getting a remote-control switch so she can turn off the lamp from bed without having to get up. For example, in a carnival-themed room, you might add a lampshade that has vertical red and white stripes to mirror a circus tent design. In a cartoon-themed room, you might choose a simple, modern base for the lamp and add a lampshade in a solid, bright accent color, like pink, purple, green, blue, or red.

Hang up simple curtains or blinds for added privacy. Let your daughter choose a set of curtains or blinds that fit the size and shape of the window. If you’re using curtains, secure a curtain rod to the top of the window using a drill and brackets, and put the curtains on the rod before you rest the rod in the brackets. Make sure they close all the way and don’t pool on the floor. If you’re installing blinds, follow the directions on the package to make sure they’re secure, as the hanging procedure will vary greatly depending on the brand and type of blind. For blinds, make sure the cords are tucked out of reach, especially if the girl is younger. They can be a choking hazard if left dangling. When it comes to picking curtains, opt for 1-2 of your accent colors in a solid color or simple print, like stripes, small polka dots, or plain.

Put up photos and art that fit the theme of the room. Pick 2-3 pieces of art or framed pictures, and place them throughout the room. Choose open spaces, like above the bed or resting on top of a dresser. This will help make the theme more pronounced and obvious to anyone who sees the room. For instance, if you’re doing a fairy theme, you can hang up a print of Tinkerbell above the bed. Then, position other faerie-themed pictures throughout the room. For a jungle theme, try framing animal pictures from National Geographic and hanging 4-6 of them in a grid on the wall for a fun art installation.

Place mementos and awards throughout the room where she can see them. Most girls have pictures, certificates, and items that are really important to them, and you can easily use these to decorate her room. Position them on a special shelf to reduce clutter, and frame important awards and pictures from big moments to put them on the wall. For smaller mementos, like pins, medals, notes, or tickets, organize a shadow box and place it on a shelf or hang it on the wall where she can see it. If she has a favorite item, like a stuffed animal or a figurine given to her by a loved one, put it somewhere easily accessible but safe, like on the top of the dresser, nightstand, or bookshelf.

String twinkle lights along the ceiling for a fun lighting and art fixture. Overhead lights might be too bright for a child who’s trying to get to sleep. Put adjustable hooks on the wall near the ceiling every 6–8 inches (15–20 cm) to hang string lights around the perimeter of the room. For easier maintenance, use a timer switch to have them automatically turn on before bed time. String lights are also popular in rooms for teens, too, so you may be able to keep them hung up as she grows.

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