How to Deal with Ginger Discrimination
How to Deal with Ginger Discrimination
It may sound amusing, but discrimination towards ginger people is hurtful and destructive. This article will help you deal with "gingerism" and give advice on how to stop it.

Recognize the beauty of ginger hair. We live in a society where people make jokes about being ginger, and it's thought to be a disadvantage or something to be ashamed of. This is simply not true. Having a certain hair color does not identify you as a person and it shouldn't be something to tease or bully people about.

Appreciate your unique beauty. Look in the mirror and find at least 5 good things about yourself. Maybe you have a shapely nose, freckles like stars in the sky, or hair that reminds you of firelight.

Identify any securities or internalized self hate you may experience. Some people feel that their hair makes them weird or bad. If you are struggling with this, it may be worth finding a ginger mentor who can help you handle these difficult feelings.

Research red hair. Learn about the DNA that makes you unique, redhead culture, and other ginger people's experiences. Learning more about people like yourself can help you feel like you belong.

Question someone when they make a discriminatory joke about your hair. Hateful jokes are widely considered unacceptable, when said about race or skin color, but when it comes to hair color it's a different story. Making any type of sweeping and hate-based joke should be unacceptable, as they are all forms of discrimination.

Respond unpredictably. If you are afraid to stand up for yourself, then try a less direct way of handing the bullying. Here are some tactics to surprise a bully and make it clear they are being ineffective: Confusing kindness—Pretend that they complimented you. Smile and say "Thanks. And I like your shoes." Failure to understand—Pretend to get the message mixed up, such as "You don't like your hair? That's too bad; I think it's very pretty." Or, pretend not to hear them and say "What? What?" until they give up.

Voice your opinion. People often won't even realize that what they are saying is discriminatory, or hurting your feelings, as comments about hair aren't considered racist. Tell them your side of the story and why what they are saying is unacceptable. Helping people to understand why something they said offended you is a great way to help prevent it happening again.

Walk away. Sometimes walking away is the best option, as if you respond the wrong way to negative comments, such as saying something mean back, then the bullying is more than likely to continue.

Distance yourself from discriminatory and insensitive people. Even after explaining why a comment or joke someone said about your hair was cruel, some people may continue to make hurtful comments towards you. Distancing yourself from negative people is a good way to make someone realize that they are upsetting you and it could also help to lift your mood.

Remind yourself of your positive traits. If you find yourself feeling worthless or obsessing over something bad, stop. Count off 5 good things about yourself on your fingers.

Spend time with people who make you feel better about yourself. Look for friendly, positive people who treat you with respect. Focus on your relationships with them, go to them when you are sad, and have fun together.

Ask for support when you need it. It's okay to feel sad, be hurt, and cry sometimes. Having someone there to listen to you and offer kind words can be incredibly helpful. Let yourself be vulnerable. If you're feeling really down, make time to talk to someone about what you're dealing with and how you feel.

Talk to an authority figure if needed. If someone keeps making fun of you, harassing you, or bullying you, then this is a serious problem.

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