How to Be in Your Happy Place
How to Be in Your Happy Place
We’ve all seen the image of a person sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed meditating. Meditation isn't the only way to get to your happy place though! There are plenty of things you can do to relax and mentally escape any stress or anxiety you’re dealing with. We’ve put together a handy list of things you can do to take a trip to your own personal happy place.

Practice meditation.

Imagine yourself in a place where you were happy and content. Sometimes called “visualization,” meditation can be a really effective way to reduce anxiety and stress. Find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position. Take some deep, slow breaths, breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth. Think about somewhere you’ve been that’s pleasant and calming. Think about sense memories of the place to help you connect to it. For instance, if you’re thinking about a vacation you took to a lake, you could think about how the wind felt and what the water looked and sounded like. Spend about 15 minutes or so meditating and keep taking slow, deep breaths.

Spend some time outside.

Take a break and soak up some vitamin D. Go for a walk or a relaxing bike ride. The sun can work wonders for your mood. Plus, a little bit of exercise can make you feel better. It’s a simple way to give your mind and body a happy boost. It doesn’t have to be anything major. A nice 5 or 10-minute walk can make a big difference.

Find a beautiful place to take a break.

Surround yourself with beauty. Make it a point to visit a space that gives you peace and happiness. Go somewhere like a botanical garden or a beautifully decorated room in your home—anywhere you think is beautiful. It can help you feel more relaxed and at peace. Try setting up a spot in your home that you can use to go to your happy place. You could start a flower garden in your yard or decorate a spare room so it feels beautiful and relaxing to you.

Do something you’re passionate about.

Work on something that makes you happy. Going to your happy place doesn’t have to mean you aren’t working or busy. Sometimes, spending time interacting with something you’re passionate about can do the trick. Set aside some time each day to work on a task, project, or activity that makes you happy. For instance, if you love building things, you could start up a small craft project like building a table or a birdhouse. Spending some time each day working on your project can be your happy place.

Re-read one of your favorite books.

Take a relaxing trip down memory lane. Reading a favorite book again can have a couple of benefits. The simple act of reading can be comforting and transport your mind to another, happier place. If you’re reading a book that you already love, you’ll be reminded about other times that you read it, which can make the experience even more enjoyable. For instance, if it’s been years since you read a Harry Potter book, you may find yourself instantly transported (or disapparated, if you will) back to a time when you were happily reading it for the first time.

Play around and have some fun.

Playtime isn’t just for kids. It’s healthy for adults, too. It’s good for your body and your brain. But it’s easy to get caught up in your busy life and forget to make time to simply play around. Play is an activity that you do just for the sake of fun, like a card game, video game, or playing with a toy. Take at least a few minutes out of each day to dedicate to playtime. Play can be physical, too. You can shoot some basketball or kick a soccer ball around to get active and have some fun. Play can do a lot more than just make you feel happy. It’s actually a way to build community, keep your mind sharp, and spend time with people you love.

Hang out with friends to boost your mood.

Share some laughs and memories. Call up an old friend to chat with them about what’s going on in your lives and reminisce about good times you’ve had together. You could also organize a get together or meet up to grab a cup of coffee or a bite to eat. Another option is to invite them over to your home so you can hang out and maybe watch a movie or something. Spending time with people that you love is a surefire way to go to your happy place. Consider reaching out to a friend you haven’t seen in a really long time. You can catch up on old happy memories and talk about new things in both of your lives.

Remember the acronym H-A-L-T (hungry, angry, lonely, or tired).

Use it as a gentle reminder to bring yourself back into balance. It’s easy to get lost in the craziness of your daily life and forget to take care of some basic needs. Whenever you find yourself feeling stressed out or run down, think about HALT. Check-in with yourself to see if you’re meeting all of your needs. Take care of yourself and bring your happiness back into balance. For example, if you’re hungry, get something to eat! If you’re feeling super tired, take a moment to rest. If you’re really tense, spend a few minutes focusing on relaxing your muscles and relieving tension.

Freshen up your look.

Give yourself a mini-makeover. Change up your hairstyle to give yourself a new look. Try on some new clothes or put on a new nail color to see how it looks. Take a risk and try a bolder look than what you normally go for, just keep it fun! Stepping out of your comfort zone can make you feel happier and more confident. You could even get a new haircut for a dramatic change.

Take a trip somewhere new.

Travel to a place you’ve never seen before. It doesn’t have to be a big expensive trip to Paris or Bali. There are tons of places within an hour or so of where you live that you may not have ever been to. Take a day trip to find your happy place and soak in some new experiences. Grab a bite to eat and visit a local landmark or famous building. You also don’t have to travel to far. Try exploring areas in your own town. Maybe try a new restaurant or visit some shops you’ve never gone to before.

Do some volunteer work.

Make yourself feel good while giving back. Try looking online for volunteer groups and opportunities in your area that you can sign up for. Commit whatever time and resources you can to volunteering. You can really make a difference by helping others and the pride you’ll feel can boost your own happiness.

Get physically active to improve your mood.

Physical activity boosts endorphins that can make you feel happy. Go for a run or hit the gym for a solid workout. Get your blood pumping and make your mind and body feel better. Do physical activity that feels right for you and makes you feel good. Get some friends together and play a game of basketball or throw around a football. Check out a fun new dance class or visit a martial arts gym near you to get a great workout and learn a new skill. Try challenging yourself with something difficult such as a faster running pace or lifting a heavier weight than you normally do. The sense of accomplishment can take you right to your happy place.

Keep a journal to write for pleasure.

Write a little bit every day to reflect on your life. Keep a journal next to your bed or in your desk. Spend a few minutes every day writing to get your thoughts out of your head and reflect on your day. Writing can be a relaxing experience that can make you feel better, and by thinking about your day, you can practice a form of meditation that can improve your mood.

Give yourself some technology-free time in the morning.

Start your day with some time to yourself. Make yourself a nice breakfast and have a cup of coffee without checking your emails or phone. Enjoy the uninterrupted time. Give yourself at least 30 minutes of peaceful time with yourself to start your day off on the right foot. You could also use the time to do some meditation.

Set a big goal you hope to accomplish.

Dream big and plan big this year. Give yourself something to look forward to whenever you’re feeling down or discouraged. Make a list of goals you hope to accomplish and break them down into smaller tasks you can work to complete. Set realistic deadlines for each task and stay focused on taking steps towards your larger goals. Thinking about your big plans can make you feel happier if you find yourself feeling down or discouraged. For instance, you could decide that you want to travel to Greece this year. Then, you can break down the steps you need to complete to make it happen such as budgeting, booking flights, finding hotels, and planning activities.

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