![How to Activate Active X](https://cdn.wapozavr.com/news/2b/b4/62/2bb462629d53c7b4dedd429b6afe8797-b.jpg)
If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, browsing modern websites can be really difficult. Every time you encounter a website that uses Adobe Flash or some other type of Internet application, you have to manually activate Active X (something that controls Internet applications on Internet Explorer), otherwise you won't be able to really use the website at all. Fortunately, learning how to activate Active X is an easy process that shouldn't take more than several minutes.
Click on "Tools" in the Internet Explorer toolbar. Go down to "Options."
Click on "Security" and then set a "Custom Level."
Select "ActiveX Controls and Plug-ins."
Make sure that "Enable" is checked next to "ActiveX Controls and Plug-ins." Enable "Script ActiveX Controls Marked Safe for Scripting" as well.
Confirm the changes and hit "Apply" to ensure that they take effect.
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