How Often Do Guys Text Female Friends: What His Texts Mean
How Often Do Guys Text Female Friends: What His Texts Mean
Do you have a guy friend texting you often? Are you beginning to wonder if maybe he’s more than a friend? Guys can be hard to read sometimes, but there are plenty of easy ways to figure out how he really feels about you. In this article, we’ll walk you through what it means when a guy texts you every day.

What does it mean when a guy texts you a lot?

If he texts you every day, it means you have a close relationship. You’re an important person in his life if he’s texting you daily. This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s interested in you romantically, but he very well may have a crush on you if his messages tend to be flirty and playful. If the two of you weren’t particularly close, he wouldn’t text you as often.

Why would a guy text me every day?

He likes you. If he’s super into you, he’s very likely to text you every day. If he reaches out first, he flirts with you, and he peppers you with attention and compliments, he probably likes you. A guy is very unlikely to put this much energy into texting you if he weren’t into you.

He really values your friendship. Is he texting you to ask for advice, complain about a mutual friend, or check to see if you can help him on his math homework? If so, he may just like you as a friend. Look for evidence that he’s being playful or flirty in his tone and language. If he’s straight to the point and he doesn’t play around, you may just be super good friends.

He’s a breadcrumber. A breadcrumber is a person who strings someone along over text or social media because they like the attention. If you and this guy aren’t friends IRL, he may be breadcrumbing you (even if he acts like he likes you). Try inviting him to hang out in person. If he keeps canceling, he may be a breadcrumber. Does he keep fishing for compliments? Does he look to you for emotional validation? If so, he may be using you just to feel better about himself.

He’s weighing his options. If you really can’t get a good read on this guy’s texting behavior, it might be a sign that he’s trying to figure out if he wants to pursue you seriously or not. If he has had negative experiences with women in the past, or he really wants to get to know you before he asks you out, this could explain his frequent texting. This is common among people who meet online or via dating apps. He may just want to text often to get a better sense of who you are and what your personality is like.

Signs He Likes You

He responds quickly when you text him. Is he super available all the time? If he always texts you back right away when you hit him up, it means he’s into you. If a guy weren’t interested in you romantically, he would take his time responding to your texts. The one exception is if he’s a texting addict. If he’s the kind of guy who can’t put his phone down, this particular sign may not be all that meaningful.

He asks a lot of personal questions. If he peppers you with questions, it means that he doesn’t want the conversation to end. It also means that he wants to get to know you as intimately as possible. Many people naturally ask a lot of questions when they like somebody too, so it’s safe to assume he may have feelings for you. Playful hypothetical questions like, “What does your perfect man look like?” or, “What do you look for in a romantic partner?” are a big indicator that he’s trying to see how you feel about him. Showing someone that you care about and are interested in them is actually a form of flirting.

He double- or triple-texts when you don’t respond. The double- and triple-text are a classic signal that he’s interested. A guy may do this when he overthinks what he’s doing or when he gets worried that you aren’t going to respond. If this is a source of anxiety for him, he cares a ton about what you think. Pay attention to those three dots that pop up when he’s typing, too. If he seems to do a lot of starting and stopping when he’s talking to you, it’s a sign he’s choosing his words carefully.

He compliments you regularly. If he’s always telling you how pretty, smart, or brilliant you are, he wants you to feel good about talking to him. This is a serious sign that he’s into you. If you like him, try throwing a compliment back every now and then! This is one of the best ways to continue flirting and building a relationship.

He says he misses you. The “I miss you” text is a major sign that he’s into you. Friends don’t throw this one out very often, and he may be trying to see how you respond. He’s crushing hard on you if he texts you an “I miss you” text every now and then. If you like him, you might say, “Aww, I really miss you too ????” If you don’t like him, a more clinical tone will take him down a notch without alienating him. Something like, “You too,” or, “You’re sweet,” will work.

He sends a ton of emojis. Guys tend to overuse emojis when they like someone. This is the digital equivalent of sending a bouquet of flowers, especially if he’s sending you kissy faces, hearts, and smirking emojis. Other flirty emojis include the purple devil, the eyes, the pouty face, and the winky tongue. The explicitly sexy emojis, like the eggplant and wave, are massive signs that he’s interested.

Signs He Just Wants to Be Friends

He takes forever to get back to you. A guy who really likes you isn’t going to take his sweet time to reply to you. If hours pass before he gets around to replying, it’s a sign that he isn’t really prioritizing your relationship. Even if your conversations are really good, he would be more responsive if he liked you. The one exception is if he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t text anybody. Some guys really don’t like texting anybody, and the fact that he’s texting you at all is a super good sign.

He talks to you about other girls he likes. If he ever brings up a crush he has on someone else, or he talks about how attractive some other girl is, he may be signaling that he’s not interested in dating you. Guys will intentionally avoid these kinds of comments when they like somebody, so if he brings this up, he probably just wants to be friends.

He’s not super interested in meeting up IRL. If all you do is text, that’s not necessarily a good sign that your relationship is progressing. Things should develop over time and if he never wants to meet up, he may only want to text. If you haven’t tried it yet, ask him to hang out in person. If he’s resistant, he’s not interested in you. This is an especially big sign if you two met on a dating app and you’ve been texting for a while.

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