Explaining Whether You Look Like Your Inverted or Mirror Image
Explaining Whether You Look Like Your Inverted or Mirror Image
After seeing all the online buzz, you finally succumb and try on TikTok’s inverted filter. Like everyone else, what stares back at you is surprising: is your inverted face really what everyone sees? It can definitely feel weird to see your face flipped, but don’t be alarmed—you’re just not used to this view! In this article, we’ll tell you if people see your image flipped or how you appear to yourself in the mirror. Then, we’ll answer why you tend to like your mirror image better. If you’re feeling curious about mirrors vs photos, we’ll also tell you which one is more accurate. Read on to learn more!
Things You Should Know
  • People see you inverted, not like how you see yourself in the mirror. The image of yourself that you see in the mirror is actually reversed.
  • You tend to like yourself better in the mirror because you’re more familiar with it and expect to see your features reversed.
  • Mirrors are generally more accurate than photos because they’re less susceptible to distortion and provide a 3-D view of yourself in motion.
  • See your inverted image in a mirror by holding 2 mirrors together. Angle them diagonally so their edges touch and form a right angle.

Do people see my image inverted?

People see you inverted in real life, or the opposite of your mirror image. When you look in a mirror, what you’re actually seeing is a reversed image of yourself. As you're hanging out with friends or walking down the street, people see your image un-flipped. So that mole that you’re used to seeing on your right cheek is actually on your left to the person facing you. Like the TikTok inverted filter, regular photos and flipped selfies show you how people see you.

Why You Look Different Inverted

You look different because you’re more familiar with your reversed image. If you like how you look better in the mirror than inverted, you’re not alone! Most people prefer their mirror image because that’s who they see every day. Your inverted image can seem uncanny because you don’t see your flipped image in pictures and filters as often. This tracks with the mere exposure effect, which tells us that we tend to like things that we see frequently more than things we see infrequently. To back that up, researchers have found that people usually prefer their mirrored image, while their friends or partner like their un-flipped image more. While it can feel shocking to realize that people see you inverted, know that you don’t look worse or weird. You might not be used to your inverted image, but this is the face your friends and family know and love. You’re still you whether you’re mirrored or inverted!

Your features tend to pop out more to you in your inverted image. Because you’re less used to your flipped image, the curves and lines of your face don’t match up to what you expect to see. This often highlights the asymmetry of your face, which can make you think that you look weird or distorted. No one has a perfectly symmetrical face, not even models or famous actors, so don’t feel discouraged by your inverted image. Your face proportions are the same whether you’re looking in the mirror or talking to friends. It’s just that you’re more used to your mirror image, so you like it more.

Do I look more accurate in the mirror or in photos?

Mirrors are generally more accurate than photos. Even though mirrors reverse your image, they’re less affected by outside, distorting factors. A mirror simply reflects your image back to you, while a camera’s angle, lens size, and quality can all affect how your image comes out. So, if you’ve ever thought you looked great in the mirror, but wondered what happened in the pictures afterward, breathe a sigh of relief! The camera was just warping your image. Lighting and angles can also affect how you look in different mirrors. Unlike photos though, mirrors give you a 3-D view of yourself in motion. Others see you as you move, so this tends to be a more accurate depiction of you. As a plus, people tend to find you more attractive when you’re in motion rather than frozen!

How to See Your Inverted Image in a Mirror

Place 2 mirrors together at a right angle to see yourself un-reversed. To see yourself as others see you, grab 2 mirrors. Place them next to each other so their edges are touching. Then, angle each mirror diagonally towards you, like you’re holding a book, so the edges form a right angle. Now, look in the mirrors. When you close your right eye, your reflection does too, except it now looks like your left eye is closed! It’s as if a copy of you is standing in front of you. While 1 mirror reverses your image, adding a 2nd mirror flips the reversed image, showing you your “true” image.

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