This Organisation Is Teaching School Students In Parks And Courts For Practical Knowledge
This Organisation Is Teaching School Students In Parks And Courts For Practical Knowledge
Teach for India has been undertaking the required steps to promote practical knowledge in different educational institutions.

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals’ lives, not only facilitating livelihoods but also elevating standards of living. In today’s dynamic landscape, characterised by advancements across various sectors, the demand for practical knowledge is increasingly evident.

Amid the challenges of hectic school schedules, organisations like Teach for India are taking proactive measures to promote practical learning in educational institutions. One such educator within the organisation is Rashad, who conducts practical coaching sessions at Ja’Fari English High School and Junior College in Mumbai.

Aligned with Teach for India’s mission, Rashad and his fellow educators are deployed to different educational institutions to impart a practical understanding of various concepts to students. In a recent initiative, Rashad took his students to the court, where, with the assistance of lawyers, they witnessed court proceedings firsthand. Subsequently, he conducted a class in a nearby park, elucidating the nuances of the judiciary system.

Rashad emphasises that this hands-on approach enables students to grasp concepts thoroughly through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical observation. Such immersive learning experiences not only facilitate comprehension but also enhance retention rates. Additionally, it provides students with opportunities for experiential learning and alleviates the monotony of traditional studying methods.

Drawing parallels to the acclaimed film Taare Zameen Par, where Aamir Khan’s character employs unconventional teaching methods to engage students, Rashad incorporates brief trips as a means to make learning more interactive and interesting.

Conversations with other teachers at Ja’Fari School reveal that students benefiting from practical teaching methods show remarkable growth in knowledge retention compared to their peers. This innovative teaching approach has been dubbed ‘Project Circuit.’

Moreover, students express appreciation for the additional learning experiences facilitated by Teach for India, such as a recent visit to a church. While not directly aligned with the prescribed curriculum, these excursions provide invaluable opportunities for holistic learning.

Notably, Teach for India shoulders the expenses associated with these trips, including transportation and entry fees, underscoring their commitment to promoting practical learning experiences for students.

Initiatives like Project Circuit exemplify the transformative impact of practical learning on students’ academic development and overall growth, highlighting the importance of innovative teaching approaches in modern education.

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