Tesla's New Features Enables its Cars to Talk to Pedestrians, Elon Musk Shares Video on Twitter
Tesla's New Features Enables its Cars to Talk to Pedestrians, Elon Musk Shares Video on Twitter
Tesla has not made it clear yet whether it will use Artificial Intelligence (AI) or purely an audio player to interact with people on the streets.

Elon Musk has come up again with a new feature, which will enable Tesla cars to talk to pedestrians. Tesla cars will now ask pedestrians to get into it or move aside on congested roads. Taking to Twitter, Musk shared a video in which a Tesla Model 3 can be seen moving past pedestrians with a speech recording playing externally. In order to make customers believe that this is true, he wrote the feature shown in the video is real.

However, the company has not made it clear whether it will use Artificial Intelligence (AI) or purely an audio player to interact with people on the streets. The video has garnered a good response soon after being posted. Asked whether this feature will be added to the sentry mode, an automated video surveillance security measure employed by Tesla cars, Musk replied, “for sure”.

Musk recently announced that Disney+ is coming to Tesla's theatre mode soon. If Musk’s tweet is anything to go by, then, Tesla buyers would be able to enjoy The Mandalorian in their car in the near future. Theater Mode, unveiled as a part of the Version 10.0 update earlier this year, let people use Tesla car’s screen for more than just controlling the car.

The company initially offered Netflix, YouTube and Hulu options. Besides this, Tesla Arcade allowed users to enjoy the limited version of Cuphead, a run and gun video game. However, the Arcade feature can be only used if the car has a USB gamepad.

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