Hillary Clinton has Nine-point Lead over Donald Trump: Poll
Hillary Clinton has Nine-point Lead over Donald Trump: Poll
Besides improving her standing against Trump, Clinton's convention appears to have boosted the share of Americans who think her policies will move the country in the right direction, while Trump's right direction number held roughly steady following the back-to-back political gatherings in Cleveland and Philadelphia, CNN/ORC said.

Washington: Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has a nine-point lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump, a latest national opinion poll said on Tuesday.

According to the CNN/ORC poll, Clinton is ahead by a margin of 52% to 43% in a head-to-head match-up with Trump.

This is a seven-point increase for Clinton from the last poll conducted by the news network.

Besides improving her standing against Trump, Clinton's convention appears to have boosted the share of Americans who think her policies will move the country in the right direction (from 43% before either convention to 48% now), while Trump's right direction number held roughly steady following the back-to-back political gatherings in Cleveland and Philadelphia, CNN/ORC said.

As per another poll conducted by CBS News, Clinton leads Trump by seven points. Clinton has 46% support among voters and Trump has support of 39%, it said.

Clinton's popularity increased by four points after the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last week. The race was tied last week after the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

With this Clinton returned to her June lead margin. As per RealClearPolitics.com which keeps track of all major national polls, Clinton has an average 3.9 percentage point lead over Trump.

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