Highlights: Euro zone summit agrees deal for Greece
Highlights: Euro zone summit agrees deal for Greece
Euro zone leaders agreed on a roadmap to a possible third bailout for near-bankrupt Greece on Monday, but Athens must enact key reforms this week before they will start talks to keep it in the European currency area.

Brussels: Euro zone leaders agreed on a roadmap to a possible third bailout for near-bankrupt Greece on Monday, but Athens must enact key reforms this week before they will start talks on a financial rescue to keep it in the European currency area.

The following are comments from the euro zone leaders and others who attended a near 17 hour meeting in Brussels on Sunday.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker

"So, we have found an agreement, the agreement was laborious, but it has been concluded. There is no Grexit.

"I am convinced that Greek government, the Greek parliament, will be able to pass all the decisions that have been taken today.

"I said that the situation would be worse after the referendum, this has proven to be true. But in this compromise, there are no winners and no losers, I don't think the Greek people have been humiliated, nor that the other Europeans have lost face. It is a typical European arrangement."

Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem

"We have been asked to return to the issue of bridge financing, that is basically all I can say, it is too early to say which way we will go."

"Trust was a very key issue."

European Council President Donald Tusk

"Today we had only one objective ... After 17 hours of negotiations we have finally reached it. You could say we have an 'aGreekment'.

"There are strict conditions to be met ... The decision gives Greece a chance to get back on track with the support of its European partners."

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde

"It's been a laborious night but I think it's a good step to rebuild confidence and there will be many more steps I'm sure that will only be demonstrated by the implementation of what's been agreed now."

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