Woman Dances To Shakira's Waka Waka Inside Crowded Train; Internet Asks 'Why?'
Woman Dances To Shakira's Waka Waka Inside Crowded Train; Internet Asks 'Why?'
The woman's dancing in the video prompted a negative response from Instagram users.

The topic of content creators dancing on public transport to gain online attention has sparked debate on social media. Many have seen videos of young individuals dancing sensually in public places, prompting discussions about whether such actions should be permissible. The question arises: does freedom entail you can do whatever you want in public? Some argue that it is inappropriate to disturb others in public spaces, while others hold differing opinions. Now, a viral video of a woman dancing in a crowded train has reignited this ongoing debate.

The video was shared on Instagram and the woman was dancing to Shakira’s hit song Waka Waka, while the other passengers watched. The video went viral and sparked a negative reaction from internet users. The caption accompanying the post read, “Why is this uncle smiling like that?”

As the video went viral, it garnered more than 1 million views. Social media users were quite unhappy and irked by this act.

A user wrote, “On a serious note people around her can legally file a case against her under section 268 of IPC for creating a public nuisance.”

Another user went on to say, “People are more embarrassed than her.”

“I just have one question. WHY?”, said the third user.

This is not the first time she has faced criticism for dancing in public spaces. Her Instagram feed is filled with videos of her dancing in trains and crowded places, often accompanied by negative remarks in the comments section.

Previously, the woman went viral after footage of her, dressed in ripped denim and an animal-print crop top, dancing energetically inside a sleeper coach circulated. The video also captured the reaction of a fellow passenger, who appeared shocked by the sudden dance performance.

Since being shared, the video garnered more than 80,000 views on the social media platform. The accompanying caption read, “Uncle rocked Didi shocked.”

As was to be expected, this act did not sit well with the viewers. Many nasty remarks and criticisms were directed against the video. A few people even suggested filing a formal complaint for causing public distress.

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