Love can happen at any age or at any point in your life. An elderly couple from the US got to experience that first hand. Let’s take a look at their sweet love story. As per reports, the combined age of Marjorie Fiterman and Bernie Littman is 202, which makes them the ‘oldest aggregate-age couple’ to marry. Marjorie is 102 years old while Bernie is 100, both residents of Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, USA. The couple tied the knot on Sunday at a senior living facility, where they met for the first time, more reports state. Bernie’s granddaughter, Sarah Sicherman announced the nuptials, saying “with so much sadness [and] fear in the world, it’s nice to be able to share something that brings people joy.” In a post, she provided more details on Marjorie and Bernie’s love, sharing, “Bernie Littman and Marjorie Fiterman live on the same floor of a senior living facility in Philadelphia.” She added. “They both had 60-plus years of marriage to their first spouses and found love again at 100 years old!”
Bernie Littman was married to his late wife Bernice for 65 years. The couple shared two children, 4 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.
Bernie and Marjorie met at a costume party and had their first date on the day of Bernie’s great-granddaughter’s birth. Expressing her happiness at her grandfather’s union, Sarah said that he and his new wife are “so lucky to have found each other and be a support to each other, especially during the pandemic.” His family could not have been happier and were “thrilled” for the two.
The website reports further that initially the family had thought the two would live their remaining days unmarried, given their ages. So, their marriage was “certainly a surprise” to them.
The wedding was officiated by Rabbi Adam Wohlberg, who said that he usually marries those who have met on dating apps. He said, “I much prefer the old ways. You live in the same building, you bump into each other, and you fall in love.”
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