This Is Why New Zealand Is A Snake-free Country
This Is Why New Zealand Is A Snake-free Country
Interestingly, snakes are found around New Zealand's land mass, that is in the sea surrounding it.

Snakes are considered some of the most dangerous animals found on our planet. Found in rainy, wet regions, encountering a snake could quickly turn into a serious situation, sometimes even fatal. However, did you know there’s a country on this planet with no snakes?

Snakes are found almost everywhere in the world, except the country of New Zealand. Amazingly, this country, also known as the snake-free country, is devoid of snakes, thanks to its geographical location.

This country located near the South Pole does not lack reptiles, it’s just short of snakes. Interestingly, snakes are found around the country’s land mass, that is in the sea surrounding it, but never within the country. According to a report, the country’s land mass is too far for the reptiles to reach with ease.

However, the question arises what if someone brought or smuggled the snake from outside? There’s a high possibility that many might consider doing it. As per reports, the country’s laws prohibit its citizens to keep a snake as a pet or even bring it from a foreign country. This law takes into account the safety of certain native animals and birds found in the country, as the snakes are predator animals and can be a threat to these animal species. Even in the zoos in New Zealand, you will not be able to find a single snake.

The country is situated in the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, which is a result of its detachment from the supercontinent Gondwanaland, which happened around 85 million years ago. Because of this, the country’s flora and fauna had an isolated growth.

There’s another country on this planet, which is free of snakes, and it is Ireland. It is believed that the country’s patron saint, St Patrick, was the one who killed all the snakes. According to the legend, when the saint was undertaking a 40-day fast, he was attacked by snakes. Many believe that he chased them away to the sea.

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