Now that everyone is hating on WhatsApp and the love for the apparently more secure Signal and Telegram apps has exploded on social media, it may just be the time to point out some rather irritating experiential bugs that Telegram has. If you anyways do not like the notifications overload on your phone, Telegram will do nothing to ease that pain for you. In fact, it’ll become worse. Telegram has this really irritating habit of sending notifications every time someone in your phonebook joins the platform and sets up the app on their phone. If you have a pretty large contacts list, or like it is these days when downloading and setting up Telegram on your phone is a cool thing to do, these notifications can get pretty annoying. Also, new contacts chat windows open in your Telegram Chats screen by default.
There is a sort of workaround to deal with the notifications overload, thanks to Telegram on your Android phone or Apple iPhone. Open Telegram on your phone and select Settings from the navigation tabs at the bottom of the screen. Then head to Notifications and Sounds and scroll down to the option that says New Contacts. Toggle this off (it shouldn’t be green; it should be greyed out. What this does is that it’ll stop active notifications from being sent to you every time a new contact joins Telegram. However, this does not stop the sync from happening every time you open the app and still clutters up the Chat list. Telegram really needs to upgrade its contact syncing and how the new contact notifications are handled.
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