Story behind Maya's huge wealth no secret: SP
Story behind Maya's huge wealth no secret: SP
Samajwadi Party alleges that Mayawati misused her position to amass huge wealth.

Lucknow: A day after the end of its three-day agitation against Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh, Samajwadi Party on Thursday came down heavily against the Chief Minister, saying everyone knew how she had misused her position to amass huge wealth despite her humble beginnings.

"I am not saying anything much as she is a woman. She did not even have status worth Rs 100 and now has crores, everyone knows how this happened," SP leader Shivpal Singh Yadav, who appeared before the media with a bandage on his head told reporters.

Alleging that he was beaten up by policemen while coming out of the district jail on Thursday morning, he said the protocol in view of his being Leader of the opposition in the state Assembly was not followed.

The party workers were brutally assaulted by policemen despite the fact they were peaceful and had not damaged any public property anywhere in the state during the agitation, Yadav said.

Accusing officers of perpetrating atrocities on party workers during the three-day stir, he asked them to be ready to face the consequences after SP came to power in the state.

"Our leader Mulayam Singh Yadav had faced emergency and he is not at all afraid of Mayawati and the dalal (broker) officers surrounding her," Yadav said terming the three-day SP agitation, which ended on Wednesday, as successful.

He also said that Mayawati did not have the status to stand in front of party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav.

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