Cash for votes: Kulkarni's custody extended
Cash for votes: Kulkarni's custody extended
Former BJP MPs Faggan Singh Khulaste and Mahavir Bhagora's judicial custody was also extended till October 3.

New Delhi: The judicial custody of former aide of BJP leader LK Advani and BJP MPs Faggan Singh Khulaste and Mahavir Bhagora was extended on Saturday till October 3.

Kulkarni was jailed on Tuesday for his alleged role in the 2008 cash-for-vote scam. The next date for argument will be given on October 3.

The court, hearing the 2008 cash-for-vote scam case, has also decided to watch on Monday all the six CDs containing footage of the purported sting operation conducted in the run up to the July 2008 voting in Lok Sabha on the trust motion by Congress-led UPA Government.

Kulkarni, 54, who had failed to appear before the court on two previous dates despite issuance of summons to him, appeared in court on Tuesday and sought interim bail on the ground that he was not arrested by the Delhi Police even during the probe into the case.

The court rejected Kulkarni's claim that he did everything to expose the rampant corruption and the horse-trading underway to win the July 22, 2008 confidence vote and sent him to judicial custody till October 1, which the court also slated for hearing of his regular bail plea.

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