BJP admits Malhotra was too old for Delhi
BJP admits Malhotra was too old for Delhi
Party leaders say they have lost golden opportunity in capital.

New Delhi: The BJP on Monday reckoned that it might have done better in the Delhi Assembly elections if it had fielded a younger leader as its chief ministerial candidate.

The BJP had projected veteran politician V K Malhotra, 77, as its chief ministerial candidate. "Personally, I think Arun Jaitley would have been a better choice as the party's chief ministerial candidate. The result in Delhi has been disappointing," said BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad.

Prasad immediately downplayed his comment by saying: "this is a personal comment for a personal friend. Arun Jaitley is a dear friend." Jaitley is the BJP leader in charge of Delhi affairs.

The BJP selected Malhotra over younger partly leaders Vijay Goel and Harshvardhan, hoping that a senior leader would be more acceptable to dissidents in the party.

"It was a golden opportunity (and) we lost it. The image and personality of Sheila Dikshit worked," said Goel. "Every leader has his own vision. Elections are won on the basis of vision and will power," said Goel without naming Malhotra.

The Congress, which is returning to power in the city-state for the third time running, praised Chief Minister Shiela Dikshit, 71. "Dikshit is not a young candidate but has a certain appeal to the young voters and her policies on CNG and the environment attracted the young voters," said Congress spokesperson Jayanthi Natarajan.

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