Trudeau Created Open Conversations on India’s Handling of Khalistanis: Pannun | Exclusive
Trudeau Created Open Conversations on India’s Handling of Khalistanis: Pannun | Exclusive
Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, in a statement, said that “Canada PM Justin Trudeau's move has allowed Khalistani supporters to become more vocal without fear of retribution”. “The statement is a reflection of what the GoI has been saying...Trudeau is engaging with terrorists without understanding the repercussions,” say top Indian govt sources

Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, leader of banned pro-Khalistan group Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), who has been designated as a terrorist in India, in a statement on Sunday evening, said that “Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has created more open conversations around India and its handling of the Khalistani independence movement". Top sources from the Indian government said “the statement is a clear reflection of what the Government of India has been saying for a a period of time". “Trudeau is engaging with terrorists in his country without understanding the repercussions," they added.

Pannun added that Trudeau’s move has allowed “Khalistani supporters to become more vocal without fear of retribution".

The relations between India and Canada are at an all-time low after Trudeau alleged, in his Parliament, the involvement of a “foreign agent" in the killing of Khalistan separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar. He even claimed that he had intelligence inputs and evidence that the Indian government could be behind Nijjar’s death.

These allegations, which New Delhi has strongly denied, resulted in tit-for-tat expulsions of diplomats on both sides.

Nijjar was killed by unidentified gunmen outside a Gurdwara in Surrey, Canada, on June 18. He was the chief of banned Khalistan Tiger Force, and was designated a terrorist by the Indian government under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) in 2020. Interpol had also issued red corner notice against him quite a few times, the first one being in 2016.


After two failed referendums for Khalistan in Canada, Pannun said that organisers are planning more in Abbotsford, Edmonton, Calgary, and Montreal in 2024.

CNN-News18 has regularly reported how Trudeau is allowing terrorists to move freely in Canada. He is not cooperating in investigations despite them being declared offenders and investigated by Federal agencies.

CNN-News18 earlier reported how Pannun’s referendum rallies in Canada were complete failures, said local sources, adding the numbers being given out, alleging public support for Khalistan, too, are fake.

“In the September 10 poll, the SFJ claimed they got 1.35 lakh votes, but in reality only 2,398 people came out to vote. In case of the October 29 poll too, contrary to the claims of 2 lakh voters, only 2,000 voters, mostly students and old set of supporters, voted," said local sources.


CNN-News18 also reported how Pannun is being funded by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), according to top intelligence sources.

“He is running an immigration racket. He wants to instigate the youth of Punjab born after 1984 against India over alleged atrocities against the Sikh community. A majority of youth from Punjab wants to migrate to Canada, the United Kingdom (UK) and United State of America (USA) and Pannun is using them as free labour. His idea is to attack leaders, the map and flag of India," said sources.

Pannun is getting money from innocent youths and donations in the name of war. “He has made all gurdwaras of the UK, Canada and USA breeding grounds for anti-India sentiments. According to a witness, ISI operatives are regular visitors there," said sources.

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