Opinion | 9 Years of Modi Government: Unleashing J&K’s Unprecedented Triumphs
Opinion | 9 Years of Modi Government: Unleashing J&K’s Unprecedented Triumphs
From crushing the shackles of Article 370 to eradicating the terrorist-secessionist menace, J&K witnessed a historic transformation. Gathering the world’s economic giants in the valley through G20, development has taken centre stage in the new narrative

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on his momentous visit to Jammu and Kashmir post-Article 370, boldly declared, “I want to promise the young generation of Jammu & Kashmir that the hardships your parents, grandparents had to live with, you will never have to live such a life”.

After nine years of resolute governance under PM Modi, the nightmarish grip of seven decades is finally shattered, and true peace reigns in Jammu and Kashmir. The security apparatus stands fortified, launching relentless strikes against the very ecosystem that nurtures and finances terrorism. In 2018, a staggering 417 terrorism-related incidents rocked the region. But as the years passed, the indomitable spirit of our security forces prevailed. The numbers according to police sources dropped to 255 in 2019, 244 in 2020, and a mere 117 in 2021. As for 2022 and beyond, the decline continues to be remarkable. Narco terrorists now face an onslaught as arrests and seizures surge in narco terror cases. Separatists profiting from selling Pakistani MBBS seats were unmasked, exposing their diabolical scheme of channelling funds toward terrorism and bolstering the morale of active terrorists and their bereaved families.

The security agencies uncovered a disturbing pattern of terror funding, seizing and attaching ancestral properties of J&K terrorists operating from Pakistan, which were then channelled to various terror outfits. The agencies further exposed a network of terrorists and local supporters, unveiling Pakistan’s ISI’s utilisation of Bitcoin to fuel terrorism in J&K, leading to a dedicated investigation. Hundreds of crores’ worth of properties owned by Jamaat-e-Islami, which funds secessionism and terrorism in J&K, have been forcefully seized by the government as the relentless process unfolds.

Defying past regimes

The failures of past regimes, including the NC, PDP, and Congress, are glaring and undeniable. Their lack of political will, stability, vision, and relentless goals placed personal interests above the welfare of J&K. While they pandered to the terrorist-separatist ecosystem for the sake of vote bank politics, the troubles multiplied exponentially.

But Narendra Modi did the unthinkable. He defied convention and took a hardline stance against the very forces that threatened our nation’s integrity. He shattered the soft approach, exposing the dangerous game of using terrorists and separatists for political gain. The Opposition, now reduced to clinging onto Pakistani-originated propaganda, has become nothing more than feeble separatists, desperate to regain their lost glory in the eyes of the ordinary citizens of J&K.

Needless to say, PM Modi’s unwavering efforts have opened the eyes of the common people. They have seen through the deceit of the traditional mainstream leadership, which has for years exploited and fooled them.

J&K’s Remarkable Transformation

J&K’s transformation is rooted in strong grassroots democracy. With 960 councillors, over 27,000 sarpanches, and panches, the voice of the people resonates like never before. After the abrogation of Article 370, the first-ever elections for the BDC were conducted, empowering public representatives.

J&K is also witnessing an industrial revolution after seven decades of stagnation. A staggering Rs 66,000 crore in private investment proposals flooded in within a year. Already, 1,455 industrial units are operational, marking the largest industrial campaign in the region’s history. Land has been allotted to a record-breaking 1,711 industrial units, and the rise of 500 start-ups has ushered in a new social revolution.

With a dedicated budget of Rs one lakh crore for physical infrastructure development, the foundations of progress are firmly laid. J&K has been recognised as one of the best-performing Union Territories in implementing the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, which extends health insurance coverage to 97 percent of the population. Also, 80 lakh golden cards have been issued, guaranteeing access to quality healthcare for all.

J&K is soaring to new heights with a record-breaking influx of 1.88 crore tourists, the highest since independence. Transport facilities are now readily available. Schools in J&K operated for a remarkable 200 days last year, and the tribal communities have not only escaped economic deprivation but are also experiencing the fruits of social justice. Empowered by the Forest Rights Act, they now hold rights over water, forest, and land. The younger generation now has access to modern educational facilities, scholarships, new residential schools, and skill development programs.

The government is steadfastly addressing the concerns of Kashmiri Pandits. To ensure their safety, all minority employees under the PM package working in the Kashmir valley have been relocated to secure areas. The longstanding issue of land availability for their accommodations has been decisively resolved, with the construction of 3,000 accommodations set to be completed by 2023. Furthermore, the Kashmiri Migrant Portal, launched in September 2022, has led to the reclamation of 2,608 canals of encroached land.

In a historic milestone, the G20 Tourism Working Committee meeting convened peacefully in J&K, marking a major international event after the abrogation of Article 370. Defying the fears that historically plagued the mention of Jammu and Kashmir, the presence of 57 delegates from 27 countries reflects the world’s disregard for Pakistan’s propaganda labelling J&K as a “disputed territory.” The false claims of human rights violations, suppression of freedom of speech, and oppression by Indian security forces crumble in the face of international engagement.

Shedding the shackles of the past

The past nine years under PM Modi’s government have been dedicated to healing the deep wounds that afflicted the hearts of the people of Jammu & Kashmir due to misguided decisions made after independence. As we embark on the journey towards India @100, the next 25 years demand a similar unwavering approach.

The time has come for PM Modi’s government to prioritise the construction of a self-reliant Jammu and Kashmir, securing a prosperous future for generations to come. The government must demonstrate unwavering resolve against conspiracies and malicious intentions that have plunged J&K into darkness for decades.

The writer is a Srinagar-based Journalist and columnist. He is also the recipient of “Outstanding Media Person Award” by the Jammu & Kashmir Government on Republic Day-2023. Views expressed are personal.

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