Here’s Why You Need To Add Lemon To Your Everyday Regimen
Here’s Why You Need To Add Lemon To Your Everyday Regimen
Apart from giving a zing to your summer drinks and adding refreshing flavour to food, lemon also offers a series of health benefits

Apart from giving a zing to your summer drinks and adding refreshing flavour to food, lemon also offers a series of health benefits. It is also used in several face packs and is known to be good for the skin. Adding lemons to your everyday regimen can do wonders for your body.

Here are some health benefits of lemon –

1. Boosts immunity

Foods that are rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants may help boost immunity against the common cold and flu. While it may not reduce the occurrence of colds, it can help to cut down the longevity of the illness. Drink a glass of hot water with lemon squeezed in and some honey for sweetness to soothe your throat during the flu or cough.

2. Helps with weight loss

Lemon is also considered to be helpful in weight loss efforts. In a 2008 study available in the National Library of Medicine, it was found that when lemon was introduced to the high-fat diet of mice for 12 weeks, they gained less weight in comparison to those who did not consume lemon.

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3. Boost Iron Absorption

Lemon is known to protect against anaemia, which is caused by iron deficiency. Lemon has iron content in it and also aids in the absorption of iron from plant sources. Our gut can absorb the iron from meats easily but not from plants. However, with the consumption of Vitamin C and citric acid, iron absorption can be improved.

4. Regulates Blood Pressure

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C, which acts as an anti-oxidant aiding removal of radicals from the body. Lemon juice is known to lower the triglyceride level and is thus beneficial for individuals suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension.

5. Promotes collagen production

The Vitamin C content in the lemon promotes collagen production which improves the skin texture.

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