5 Yoga Poses and Practices For Boosting Immunity
5 Yoga Poses and Practices For Boosting Immunity
Yoga for immunity: By incorporating specific Yoga poses into your daily routine, you can enhance your immune system’s strength

Yoga is a centuries-old practice that has many positive effects on the body and mind. In recent times, the importance of a strong immune system has become increasingly evident. By incorporating specific Yoga poses into your daily routine, you can enhance your immune system’s strength. Here are 5 powerful Yoga asanas that boost immunity while promoting overall well-being by Dr Hansaji Yogendra, Director, The Yoga Institute.

  1. Talasana (The Palm Tree Posture)Talasana forms the foundation of most standing Yoga poses. Stand with your feet together, engage your thigh muscles, lengthen spine, roll shoulders back, and keep chin parallel while stretching the right arm up while raising both the heels. Repeat with the left arm. This pose improves posture, strengthens legs, and promotes grounding and enhances overall body awareness. It also helps stimulate the lymphatic system, supports the elimination of toxins and boosts immune function.
  2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Posture)Adho Mukha Svanasana is a rejuvenating pose that invigorates the entire body. Place your hands and knees on the mat and create a tabletop position, with your hands and knees on the mat. Align your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. Lift knees off the ground, straighten legs. Lengthen spine, draw shoulder blades down, and lift your sitting bones upward. Keep head between upper arms and heels reaching down. This asana improves circulation, strengthens the arms and legs, and stretches the entire backside of the body. It also stimulates the thymus gland, which plays a vital role in immune function.
  3. Bhujangasana (The Cobra Posture)Bhujangasana activates the spine and energizes the body. For this asana, lie on stomach, legs extended and feet on mat. Place hands beneath shoulders, spread fingers. Inhale, lift chest while pelvis stays grounded. Straighten arms, draw shoulder blades down. Gaze forward and relax your neck. This pose strengthens the back muscles, opens the chest, and improves digestion. This pose stimulates the thymus and adrenal glands, enhancing immunity and reducing fatigue.
  4. Viparita Karani (The Inverted Posture)Viparita Karani is a restorative and calming posture. For this asana, sit against a wall, swing legs up, and lower back to floor. Adjust distance for a comfortable leg stretch. Rest arms, close eyes, and breathe deeply. This pose promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and improves circulation. This gentle inversion enhances lymphatic drainage and encourages the movement of immune-boosting fluids throughout the body.
  5. Savasana (The Corpse Posture)Savasana, the final resting pose of a Yoga practice, allows the body and mind to integrate the benefits of the previous poses. For this asana, lie flat on your back with your legs comfortably apart and arms relaxed by your sides. Close your eyes and consciously release any tension and stress by focusing on every organ and part of your body. Allow your breath to become natural, observing each inhalation and exhalation. Remain in this state of relaxation for a few minutes, gradually increasing the duration with practice. This asana promotes deep relaxation, reduces stress, and calms the nervous system. It supports the body’s healing processes, optimizes immune function, and restores overall well-being.

Incorporating these five yoga poses into your daily routine can help boost your immune system and enhance your overall health. These poses can strengthen your body, reduce stress, and promote optimal immune function. Embrace the healing power of Yoga and embark on a journey towards holistic well-being.

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