Dan Harmon Sets Ancient Animated Greek Comedy At Fox
Dan Harmon Sets Ancient Animated Greek Comedy At Fox
"Rick and Morty" co-creator Dan Harmon is developing a new animated comedy, set in mythical ancient Greece, for Fox. According to Variety, the untitled series is Harmon's first project under his broadcast network-only exclusive direct animation deal with Fox Entertainment. The series focuses on a flawed family of humans, gods and monsters trying to run one of the world's first cities without killing each other. "Leave it to Dan Harmon to turn the mythos of early Greek civilization into remarkably sharp commentary on today's politics, celebrity and pop culture. This project is an incredibly irreverent family comedy as told by one of the town's most inventive storytellers," said Michael Thorn, president of entertainment for Fox Entertainment. "We are proud to be partnered with Dan on this series, which strengthens our hold on the animation space and, as we continue to build Fox Entertainment, marks an important first step for us with our first fully-owned scripted property," he added.

Los Angeles: “Rick and Morty” co-creator Dan Harmon is developing a new animated comedy, set in mythical ancient Greece, for Fox. According to Variety, the untitled series is Harmon’s first project under his broadcast network-only exclusive direct animation deal with Fox Entertainment. The series focuses on a flawed family of humans, gods and monsters trying to run one of the world’s first cities without killing each other. “Leave it to Dan Harmon to turn the mythos of early Greek civilization into remarkably sharp commentary on today’s politics, celebrity and pop culture. This project is an incredibly irreverent family comedy as told by one of the town’s most inventive storytellers,” said Michael Thorn, president of entertainment for Fox Entertainment. “We are proud to be partnered with Dan on this series, which strengthens our hold on the animation space and, as we continue to build Fox Entertainment, marks an important first step for us with our first fully-owned scripted property,” he added.

The makers are planning a 2022 debut for the show. Voice cast is currently being locked and will be announced in the near future. Harmon’s latest project was the fourth season of his hit Adult Swim series Rick and Morty”. He co-created the series with Justin Roiland.

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