Arya Stark Left for West of Westeros in Game of Thrones. We Know Where It Is
Arya Stark Left for West of Westeros in Game of Thrones. We Know Where It Is
In the finale, when the surviving characters are busy deciding the lands and kingdoms they'll rule, Arya makes up her mind to not get settled at one place.

The Game of Thrones saga finally came to an end with the sixth episode of the eighth season. While the final season received mixed reviews, fans seem quite satisfied with Arya Stark's character arc. In the finale, when the surviving characters are busy deciding the lands and kingdoms they'll rule, Arya makes up her mind to not get settled at a place.

Each of her siblings, Sansa and Bran Stark, land in designations of varying prestige. Sansa liberates North as an independent kingdom and becomes Queen in the North, whereas, Bran is named as the king of the remaining six kingdoms. Jon Snow, on the other hand, rejoins the remaining Brothers of the Night's Watch and Wildlings beyond the wall.

Arya has chosen to explore what's beyond Westeros. Before her departure, she tells her siblings that she's not going to North. When Sansa asks where she's planning to go, Arya responds with a mystical demeanour and quizzes Jon about, "What’s west of Westeros?"

Jon explains that all the maps end at Westeros because nobody ever went beyond it. This is when she announces that she wants to explore the undiscovered. However, this is not the first time that Arya hinted at her exploration.

Back in Season Six, when Arya meets Lady Crane (the leading actress in Izembaro's Braavosi theater troupe), she asks her the same question, "what is west of Westeros?". Unsure about the details, Crane tells her that it may perhaps be the edge of the world. To this Arya says that she'd like to go beyond the Sunset Sea- the unexplored ocean lying to the west of Westeros, and see it.

Ever since she announced her voyage, fans have been wondering what lies beyond the Sunset Sea. A page dedicated to Game of Thrones quoted George RR Martin, the writer of the GoT books, describing his fictional world as: "The world (of GoT) is round. Might be a little larger than ours, though. I was thinking more like (Jack) Vance's Big Planet....but don't hold me to that."

It goes on to explain that as per the book, A Song of Ice and Fire, the Sunset Sea is measured as vast and impossible to cross. However, some Ironborn claim to have found more substantial land in the far west. But, these claims are usually not believed.

It further details the tale of a famous explorer who is said to sail across the Sunset Sea. "The most famous explorer of the Sunset Sea was King Brandon Stark (the unknown number of his line), who sailed west with the most of the Northern fleet to find new lands and was never seen again. His son, Brandon the Burner, burned the remaining ships in grief and fury. The North has had no significant strength at the sea since this time," the website reads.

Since Westeros is said to be Britain and Essos is compared to Eurasia in the real world, we can assume that Arya could end up discovering a new continent, and probably a new kingdom. In the past, George R. R. Martin has said a number of times that his books take inspiration from The Lord of the Rings, so like Frodo, Bilbo, Elrond, Gandalf and Galadriel, Arya might also find GoT's version of Undying Lands and introduce some more fictional beings in the spin-off (if one is made).

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