Anti-Vaccination Content Removed from Amazon Prime Video's Streaming List
Anti-Vaccination Content Removed from Amazon Prime Video's Streaming List
In response to an open letter to Jeff Bezos, Amazon Prime Video has removed all film and video content that pertains to the anti-vaccination narrative.

In latest case of censorship of media, Amazon Prime Video, an America-based video hosting and streaming website, has removed all the anti-vaccination content that appears on the platform. Documentaries like Man Made Epidemic, Vaxxed and Shoot ‘Em Up: The Truth About Vaccines that stand in opposition to mandatory vaccination in the USA and the harmful effects of the public health policy programme, no longer appear in search results in Amazon Prime Video and are not available for streaming on the platform anymore, reports buzzfeed news. The DVDs, however, can still be purchased on Amazon.

California's Democratic Party Representative Adam Schiff had written an open letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Google, which owns YouTube, and Mark Zuckerberg-owned Facebook to reconsider their decision to feature anti-vax content on their respective websites. He thinks that such content stands contrary to the idea of public health.

Schiff’s published letter reads, “Amazon is surfacing and recommending products and content that discourage parents from vaccinating their children, a direct threat to public health, and reversing progress made in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases. Does content which provides medically inaccurate information about vaccines violate your terms of service?”

Following Schiff’s letter, YouTube banned advertisements that appeared on some anti-vax videos and added additional information about vaccine hesitancy to anti-vax videos. Facebook said in the matter that it is “currently working on additional changes” to “reduce the distribution of health-related misinformation on Facebook,” and will announce “additional changes” soon, quoted buzzfeed news.

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