Sunlight To Self Confidence, Doctor Explains 5 Key Aspects That Contribute To BetterHealth
Sunlight To Self Confidence, Doctor Explains 5 Key Aspects That Contribute To BetterHealth
Dr Arora explains five essential aspects that contribute significantly to overall well-being, akin to powerful medicines that are accessible to everyone.

In a world where medications often take centre stage in healthcare, there’s a growing acknowledgement that some of the most potent remedies are readily available in nature, requiring no financial investment. Adapting to positive lifestyle practices, dietary habits, and physical activities is increasingly recognised by the medical community as a formidable form of preventive medicine. Dr Anil Arora, Chairman of the Gastro Department at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, advocates for maintaining good habits and embracing the healing power of natural elements, which can surpass the efficacy of medications.

Dr Arora underscores five essential aspects that contribute significantly to overall well-being, akin to powerful medicines that are accessible to everyone.


Firstly, exposure to sunlight is highlighted for its role in fortifying bones and enhancing mental health. The sun’s rays are a natural source of Vitamin D, crucial for various bodily functions.

Healthy Diet:

Second on the list is a healthy diet. Providing essential nutrients to the body, a healthy diet promotes overall health and acts as a cornerstone for disease prevention.

Physical Activity:

Physical activity, comprising walking and exercise, takes the third spot. Regular exercise not only enhances physical fitness but also boosts immunity, mitigating the risk of diseases.

Sleep Schedule:

The fourth element is the adoption of a good lifestyle, emphasising the importance of timely sleep and waking routines, instrumental in improving overall life quality. Adequate sleep is known to contribute significantly to physical and mental well-being.

Self Confidence:

Dr. Arora stresses the pivotal role of self-confidence as the fifth potent medicine. Confidence, when coupled with a positive mindset, contributes to mental strength and resilience. Research has consistently shown that confidence and willpower play a substantial role in health improvement. A robust belief in oneself can empower individuals to confront diseases with determination and navigate their path to recovery.

Notably, these natural remedies come with no financial burden, making them accessible to everyone. Dr Arora’s insights remind us that fostering good habits and embracing the inherent healing powers of nature can pave the way to a healthier and happier life.

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