Suffering From Postpartum Lower Back Pain? Here's How Physiotherapist Can Help
Suffering From Postpartum Lower Back Pain? Here's How Physiotherapist Can Help
While lower back pain is a common postpartum issue, it can be dealt with some exercises, body mechanics, posture instructions and improvement in work techniques

Pregnancy brings enormous musculoskeletal, physiological, and emotional changes to a woman’s body. The best way to deal with these transitions is regular exercise and yoga practices. It has a great impact on women’s physical and mental wellness. Along with these changes, they also experience back pain due to physiological and musculoskeletal changes. It is one of the common problems that women suffer due to the postural changes of pregnancy, increased ligamentous laxity, and decreased abdominal muscle function.

Carolyn Kisner’s Therapeutic Exercises: Foundations and Techniques suggest that around 50-70 per cent of pregnant women suffer back pain at some point during pregnancy. The problem can continue in the post-delivery period as well. Nearly, 68 per cent of women, face this problem for as long as 12 months after delivery. However, it has been observed that physically fit women are at lower risk of back pain during pregnancy.

While low back pain is a common postpartum problem, it can be dealt with some low back exercises, proper body mechanics, posture instructions and improvement in work techniques. One can also consult a physiotherapist for suggestions for suitable exercises.

Here’s how physiotherapist can be helpful

A physiotherapist can assess physical health and identify any musculoskeletal or neuromuscular problems that can create problems during pregnancy. They would then recommend tips like leg exercises to prevent varicose veins and abdominal contractions.

Physiotherapists can also help in recognising tension and how to deal with it. You can also take suggestions for relaxation principles including breathing techniques to reduce the severity of pain.

Other ways to deal with postpartum lower back pain:

  • Back pain can be minimised by holding the spine in its normal curves.
  • Postural correction exercises can also help you to deal with the back strain.
  • Pelvic floor rehabilitation is one of the most effective ways to cure lower back pain. Pelvic floor muscles play an important role in daily activities.
  • Women who do cardio exercises should continue to do the same even during pregnancy to maintain their cardiopulmonary fitness. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor or health expert before this.
  • Mild to moderate exercises can also be proved good for both strength and cardiopulmonary benefits.

There are several individualised programs, based on pre-pregnancy fitness levels, which are offered by various fitness clubs and yoga clubs that one can take help from for supervision.

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