Olive Leaf Extract for Diabetes: All You Need to Know About its Benefits
Olive Leaf Extract for Diabetes: All You Need to Know About its Benefits
According to Web MD, olive leaves contain a high amount of antioxidants that help maintain blood sugar stability.

Diabetes is a medical condition when the sugar levels are uncontrollably high because the insulin hormone is released from the pancreas. It results from a bad and reckless lifestyle, which consists of over-indulgence in junk food and little to no exercise. Life is extremely difficult for people who are diagnosed with diabetes. If one is struggling with diabetes, one should look for easy home remedies. One such remedy is regular consumption of a decoction made from olive leaves. If you drink it regularly, it will help to keep their diabetes under control.

According to Web MD, olive leaves contain a high amount of antioxidants that help maintain blood sugar stability. Apart from this, it has also been found that olive leaf extract can considerably reduce the body’s resistance to insulin, considered one of the biggest reasons for diabetes.

Consumption of olive leaf decoction helps boost immunity and battle chronic diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, parkinsons etc. Besides, it also increases the levels of HDL or good cholesterol and reduces LDL or bad cholesterol. The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants present in it keep the skin healthy.

Here’s how to create the decoction: First, thoroughly clean the olive leaves and boil them in a glass of water. When the water boils down to half of its previous level, add salt and black pepper to it and drink the whole thing in one go. If you don’t like salt, you can add honey instead.

(Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on common knowledge. Please consult the relevant expert before proceeding with the instructions).

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