Mindfulness: Complex Ideas Can Co-Exist With Simple Changes
Mindfulness: Complex Ideas Can Co-Exist With Simple Changes
At the time of Socrates, there was another famous scholar names Diogenes, but Socrates was special. He was simple.

Absence of simplicity in lifestyle is just like mango without sweetness. This story of Socrates tells a lot about simplicity.

At the time of Socrates, there was another famous scholar names Diogenes, but Socrates was special. He was simple.

Diogenes used to wear old and torn cloths to practice simplicity. One day, he went to meet Socrates.

At that time, Socrates was sitting with some people. Diogenes told Socrates in front of everyone, “Your beautiful clothes tell what kind of saint you are! Is this your simplicity? So expensive clothes?”

Diogenes forgot that simplicity has nothing to do with attire. Simplicity lies inside our mind, no matter where we are.

Socrates replied, “Maybe I am not simple. You are right.”

Diogenes said, “I was also saying that you are not simple. Now, you are are accepting it.”

Socrates said, “If you are saying it, there is no need to deny this.”

Diogenes felt like a winner. He thought he had defeated the person who was known for his simplicity in Greece. While returning home, Diogenes met Plato, the Disciple of Socrates.

When Plato asked Diogenes about the reason of his happiness. He said, “Today, your teacher Socrates has accepted in front of everyone that he is not simple. There is no simplicity in his life. That means, now I am the simplest man in Greece.”

Plato replied, “Your old and torn clothes are not able to hide your ego. It’s apparent even if you are a philosopher.

Plato explained, “Actually you couldn’t understand. This is the very characteristic of a simple man that he simply accepted. On the other hand, you are worried for the crown of simplicity. Now think, where the simplicity lies?”

Diogenes lost the simplicity battle, so do we! Simplicity never needs any proof.

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