International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2021: 5 Easy Ways to Live a More Eco-Friendly Lifestyle
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2021: 5 Easy Ways to Live a More Eco-Friendly Lifestyle
Ahead of the International Day of Preservation of Ozone Layer, here are some tips that you could use to be more eco-friendly

In Antarctica, scientists had detected an appalling drop in Ozone concentration in the spring of 1975; which reached a critical juncture by 1987. It was found that there are man-made ozone-depleting substances (ODS) that are proving hazardous to the layer and thereby leading to its destruction. As we all know ozone’s presence is absolutely necessary to protect life on this planet, steps ought to be taken to create a more eco-friendly environment for its sustenance.

As an initiative towards restoring the ozone layer a multilateral environmental agreement (that regulates the production and consumption of almost 100 man-made ODS) was introduced. Thus, the World Ozone Day celebrated on September 16 marks the anniversary of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Ahead of the International Day of Preservation of Ozone Layer, here are some tips that you could use to be more eco-friendly:

Go local, go green: Encourage use of natural, organic, and eco-friendly items

Opt for items that are locally available instead of the products fetched from far away or exotic places. Be it food or clothes, the closer to home they are, the better it is for the environment. Consumption of the local produce is best for the body, mind, external environment and economy as well. This is because it would save transportation hassle and in the process cut down on carbon emissions. Organic products are sustainable and eco-friendly for sure.

Energy-efficient appliances

Invest in environment-friendly technologies as they are energy efficient. Buy non-ozone-depleting substitutes. Air-conditioning and refrigeration applications such as that HCFC-22 can be replaced by HFC-410A, and CFC-12 can be replaced by HFC-134a. Use LED light bulbs instead of conventional bulbs. As LED bulbs are energy efficient, this would ensure a smarter way to save power and in the process prove environment-friendly.

Replace your cleaning products

Refrain from artificial, chemical-rich cleaning products and opt for the ones that are eco-friendly. Purchase household and personal aerosol products (paint sprays, insecticides) that use hydrocarbons (propane, butane) as propellants instead of HCFCs or CFCs.


Manufacture compost. Do your part in reducing the extent of waste going to landfill everyday. Don’t dump your kitchen-waste but start composting them. That way you can prevent the build-up of methane gas. It is an economical solution to recycle your waste in an environment-friendly way.

Reduce, recycle, reuse

Avoid using single use plastic commonly used for plastic packaging of items like groceries, food packaging, bottles, straws, containers, cups and cutlery. Something as simple as using your own refillable water bottle and using a jute bag for groceries can have major impact in saving the environment

If individuals take up the onus of executing the above-mentioned activities responsibly, only then can we make a significant difference toward creating a sustainable environment.

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