Wrong answer keys spoil chances of many
Wrong answer keys spoil chances of many
KOCHI: Pointing out that the answer keys to 26 questions of the PG medical entrance examinations conducted on February 19 were wro..

KOCHI: Pointing out that the answer keys to 26 questions of the PG medical entrance examinations conducted on February 19 were wrong a few candidates have moved the Kerala High Court.“When the results were published on March 9, only 908 candidates of the 5,500 qualified under general merit.Suspecting something was amiss with the evaluation we sent grievances to the Commissioner of Entrance Examination (CEE), Director of Medical Education and Heath Secretary through email but there was no reply. So we approached the CEE and requested him to issue exam question booklet, answer key and a copy of our optical mark recognition (OMR) sheets but he said there were no such provisions in the prospectus,” Naveen Divakar, a candidate said.As part of being transparent, a few universities are posting the details on the website, said another candidate.Moreover, the State Information Commission has directed that answer sheets should be provided when asked according to a Supreme Court order. “115 of us moved the court. The Single Bench Judge Siri Jagan ordered that the question booklet, answer key and OMR be issued as the RTI Act allows the same, but the CEE appealed before the Division Bench stating that they cannot issue the OMR copy. But the copy of the OMR  of premedical Kerala entrance examination was issued in 2002 according to a court order. When we got the question booklet and answer keys  on April 23 we found that answer keys were wrong for 26 questions. As the difference in marks between those on the rank list are in decimals, it can create a difference of more than hundred marks and we need a fresh rank list,” said another candidate.“Though the case was filed on May 9, the government pleaders did not come up with a counter-affidavit till May 29. On May 30 they submitted a counter-affidavit before the court saying that the committee constituted with experts from outside the state does not have the time to recheck the challenged keys. This is a mere denial of justice since the admissions process is bound to be completed soon,” they said.When asked, Controller of Examinations B S Mavoji said that the matter is before the High Court and did not give further explanation.Director of Medical Examination Dr V Geetha also said that the issue is before the court. The answers have to be verified by an expert committee, she said.

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