BHUBANESWAR: A workshop on Introduction to Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZMP) was organised by the CV Raman College of E..
BHUBANESWAR: A workshop on ‘Introduction to Integrated Coastal Zone Management’ (ICZMP) was organised by the CV Raman College of Engineering in collaboration with ICZMP Odisha and their academic partner Nova Southeastern University (NSU). The workshop is aimed at promoting sustainable management of coastal zones and providing sustainable ecosystem. It also attempted to develop a module based on case studies for the participants. The resource persons were NSU associate director of the National Coral Reef Institute Bernhard Reigl and Director of Academic Programmes Richard Speiler. The workshop was inaugurated by Forest and Environment Minister Debi Prasad Mishra and ICZMP’s director Ajit Pattanaik addressed the workshop.
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