Vani Vilas Sagar in danger from stacked iron ore
Vani Vilas Sagar in danger from stacked iron ore
CHITRADURGA: Vani Vilas Sagar dam is facing a serious threat of silting due to illegal mining and ore stocked in the backwaters en..

CHITRADURGA: Vani Vilas Sagar dam is facing a serious threat of silting due to illegal mining and ore stocked in the backwaters entering the water body. This is directly affecting the storage capacity of the dam as the water body is facing a problem since there is no protection to prevent the ore or its dust from entering the dam.Apart from this, shrubs and plants in the area have been buried under the large heaps of iron ore excavated without the consent of the Department of Mines and Geology.General secretary of Akhila Karnataka Parisara Samrakshana Vedike B T Jagadish told Express on Thursday: “This is bad for the environment as much of the dumped material flows into the dam through the backwaters of the Vedavathi river creating water pollution. The dust settles on the plants curbing its growth and natural pollination process. Land digging also leads to deforestation.” He advised the government not to dump mineral deposits near the river or allow mining on the banks.Jagadish said the waste materials retrieved while digging ore is dumped in the backwaters of the dam.Deputy director of Department of Mines and Geology N M Udaya Shankar said: “It is done by illegal miners and not by the department. Our officials just went and seized the ore lying near the backwaters of Vedavathi river.”Seer to Launch ProtestPontiff of Sanehalli mutt Panditharadhya Swamiji said: “I had been opposing this illegal mining from the beginning as this is affecting the environment. Influential people are behind these acts.I had brought this to the notice of Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa during his visit to Sanehalli, but nothing was done to restrict it.” Panditharadhya Swamiji also warned of launching an agitation with the support of the local people for there is a need to preserve the atmosphere for future generations.BlacklistFormer DGP and ex MP from Chitradurga Kodandaramaiah said the department should mercilessly blacklist and prosecute illegal miners.“Without the involvement of government officials, illegal mining to the tune of 9,750 MT cannot take place. Those involved should be punished,” he added. 

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