US welcomes China's active role in world affairs
US welcomes China's active role in world affairs
Officials from the US and China held their third US-China Asia-Pacific Consultations on Monday.

Washington: The US and China have held talks to enhance their cooperation in the Asia Pacific region, during which Washington welcomed Beijing's active and positive role in world affairs.

"The United States reiterated its commitment to working together to build a co-operative partnership with China and welcomed China playing a more active and positive role in world affairs," the State Department said.

Led by the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Kurt M Campbell, and the Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai, officials from the two countries held their third US-China Asia-Pacific Consultations on Monday at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

The sides held constructive discussions regarding developments in the Asia-Pacific region, the State department said.

During the meeting, the US emphasised its support for strengthening the role of regional institutions in Asia and its desire to work together with China to advance this goal.

"In that context, the US and China discussed ways for both countries to promote greater cooperation on regional challenges," it said.

"The two sides also discussed pressing issues in the region, with particular attention to North Korea and Burma," the State Department said.

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