US, Pak likely to discuss N-deal today
US, Pak likely to discuss N-deal today
US wants to ensure Pakistan's cooperation in the war on terror.

New Delhi: India will be concerned as now it is official that a civil nuclear deal for Pakistan is on the agenda for Wednesday’s strategic dialogue with the US.

It was acknowledged by none other than Secretary of State Hilary Clinton.

"I'm sure that's going to be raised and we're going to be considering it but I can't pre-judge or pre-empt what the outcome of our discussions will be,” said Clinton.

Hillary also hinted that any such deal could take time.

Civil nuclear deal with India was the result of many, many years of strategic dialogue. It did not happen easily or quickly.

Clinton didn't elaborate further but the problems in securing a nuclear deal for Pakistan are obvious.

  • The Pakistani military's involvement with AQ Khan in running a nuclear blackmarket.
  • The US Congress will oppose any move it sees as rewarding Pakistan for nuclear proliferation.
  • And opposition also from the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

In fact, Pentagon sources had indicated the nuclear deal was not workable, but the US may see advantage in giving Islamabad the impression it's seriously considering the proposal.

If it ensures Pakistan's cooperation in the war on terror, Washington may just like to play along.

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