Telangana Ministers to visit New Delhi soon
Telangana Ministers to visit New Delhi soon
HYDERABAD: Ministers hailing from the Telangana region are planning to visit New Delhi shortly to meet Congress president Sonia Ga..

HYDERABAD: Ministers hailing from the Telangana region are planning to visit New Delhi shortly to meet Congress president Sonia Gandhi, general secretary Rahul Gandhi and other important leaders and seek their intervention for formation of Telangana state.According to sources, the ministers, who are worried over the silence of the party on the issue despite commission of suicide by several youths, have decided to explain the ‘grave’ situation in the region and urge the party leadership to act immediately. MPs and MLAs have met separately at the residences of K Keshava Rao and minister K Jana Reddy respectively, and discussed the situation.Though they have appealed to people not to take recourse to the extreme step, the spate of suicides is continuing. The concerned MPs have decided to raise the issue in Parliament which will resume its session from April 24 and also put pressure on the party high command. The MLAs have also decided to go to New Delhi to place their demand before the party high command. But the ministers will precede the MPs and MLAs, and will meet Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Pranab Mukharjee, AK Antony, P.Chidambaram and Gulam Nabi Azad, and explain to them the prevailing situation in Telangana. The ministerial delegation will comprise K Jana Reddy, D Sridhar Babu, P Sudarshan Reddy and B Saraiah, according to an MP.They are expected to mince no words in warning the high command that the party would be wiped out from the region if the Centre dilly-dallied further on the statehood issue.

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