Talk planned on Curiosity
Talk planned on Curiosity

Curious about ‘Curiosity?’ The Kerala State Science and Technology Museum (KSSTM) in the city has decided to include a lecture on NASA’s Mars rover project in an astronomy talk series to be held over the next one year.

 The KSSTM also hopes to obtain the latest photos taken by the rover through arrangement with the Space Telescope Science Institute, US, KSSTM director Arul Jerald Prakash said.

 ‘’We are trying to get experts from Bangalore, from ISRO’s own Mars project, to conduct this particular lecture. We want to conduct it as soon as possible before the interest wanes,’’ he said.

 KSSTM and Aastro Kerala are jointly conducting the lecture series on astronomy which will cover a variety of topics, including the hows of star births, calculation of stellar distances, the solar system, telescopes and other related topics.

 The launch of the series was planned for last week, but had to be postponed due to the CPM hartal. The new date will be announced soon.

 KSSTM has an arrangement with the Space Telescope Science Institute, which manages the website on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, for obtaining the latest pictures taken by Hubble. KSSTM officials are planning to make use of this arrangement to obtain the latest photos sent to earth by Curiosity. ‘’We are writing to the institute with this request,’’ Arul Jerald Prakash said.

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