Students air views on education revamp
Students air views on education revamp
BHUBANESWAR: Some did not like the idea of government doing away with the annual examination system. It is going to affect the com..

BHUBANESWAR: Some did not like the idea of government doing away with the annual examination system. It is going to affect the competitive mind-set and hence performance, a student viewed. Some were of the view that they should be provided more computers at their school. Others felt they could do with eggs in their mid-day meal.On Monday, Suravi 2011 provided the students a platform where they made the suggestions and the Department of School and Mass Education gave a patient hearing. It was the first of its kind of direct interaction between the students and the Department and made sense in the light of the reforms being ushered in through implementation of the Right to Education.Recognising the weakness on co-curricular activities in the State, feedback on creating a uniform calendar for cultural events in schools across the State was also taken. Teachers and the students were asked how many periods in a week should be dedicated for this purpose. Issues ranging from lack of computers to shortage of teachers and everything under the sun was discussed in this platform, where the students spoke freely about the issues that concerned them.“We have invited you here to listen to you and then make plans for better education and improved learning environment,” said Secretary to School and Mass Education Department Aparajita Sarangi who interacted directly with the students. The main purpose of this freewheeling interaction was to know, through the students, if the education system was running smoothly and what kind of a framework do they want, she said later.  It was a vibrant discussion with students from all districts as well as their teachers taking part on the concluding day of Suravi 2011. A flood of suggestions followed, some serious, some in lighter vein. Like a student from Balasore mentioned that if the inspectors always informed the school in advance about their arrival, they will always get an ideal school. To this Sarangi responded that it is confidential but somehow the information gets leaked. Around 54,000 schools are being reviewed on a monthly basis on 85 parameters.

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