Situation worsens in Gaza, dim chances of truce
Situation worsens in Gaza, dim chances of truce
West Asian countries have reacted sharply.

New Delhi: The Israeli airstrike on Gaza continues leaving the city devastated. Hamas too has retaliated firing over 80 rockets.

However, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called for truce and he blames opposition Hamas for the worsening condition.

Abbas said, "We tried to speak to Hamas and asked them not to end the truce. We could have avoided what happened, and I wish that it had been avoided."

Meanwhile, Israel is not too keen on the truce. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said that the military operation in Gaza would continue till the situation normalises in southern Israel hit by Hamas' rocket attacks.

Israeli Cabinet Defence Minister, Ehud Barak said, "The Israeli army will deepen and extend the operation as necessary and continue to operate in Gaza."

West Asian countries have reacted sharply. Arab league will meet next Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has issued a religious decree to Muslims to defend Palestinians. The United Nations too has asked both the nations to end the violence.

US Ambassador to UN Zamay Khalilzad said, "The key issue here was not to point the finger at Israel. The key issue here was to urge all parties to end the violence and address the humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza and the key point that I wanted to emphasize was the sequencing of this."

Unfortunately, with both Israel and Hamas in no mood to calm down, chances of peace returning to the region look rather dim.

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