Readerspeak: A violent adieu
Readerspeak: A violent adieu
Fans from all walks of life have written in expressing their anger and disbelief at the way Bangaloreans have bid adieu to Rajkumar.

New Delhi: Chants of Rajkumar Amaravagali (long live Rajkumar) echo in every nook and cranny of Bangalore, as grieving fans of the Kannada thespian have gone on a rampage in a bid to get a final glimpse of him.

A phenomenal number of readers have written to expressing their grief and paying tribute to the legendary actor. However, many readers have expressed anger and disbelief at the way Bangaloreans have bid adieu to their favourite star. Many believe that for peace-loving Rajkumar this was the most depressing way to say goodbye.

Here are some representative responses from the readers of

Shocked at seeing the behaviour of the fans in Bangalore, Ramanathan wrote in saying, "What happened yesterday is not the way the great man (Rajkumar) would have wanted the people to show their respect and love. Burning vehicles and buses and bringing the whole city to a standstill was a bad way to react to the death of a great person."

On a more ethereal note Pankaj said, "He (Rajkumar) is watching this vandalism from Heaven and will feel very hurt on seeing people destroying public property."

A true-blue Bangalorean, Sujatha highlighted the peaceful nature of Bangalore saying, "Of course we are disturbed by his death but we Bangaloreans have always respected peace so lets not change the image of the city."

However, Govind seems quite irate at the present situation in the city and said, "Lathicharge is not enough for the present moment. Shoot at sight should be the order of the government. Clamp curfew for the next 24 hours in the city. Arrest all criminals and suspects."

The purpose of having a day of mourning is defeated according to Surya. He said, "Instead of praying for Rajkumar, people have destroyed the entire environment in the city."

Raj Nair also raised an important practical point saying, "I feel the violence in the city has been initiated by vested interests to whip up frenzy and hold Bangalore to ransom."

Comments are pouring in from all quarters on the death of the man who was the last of the four great stars to rule the film industry in the South. M G Ramachandran, NT Rama Rao, Sivaji Ganesan are long gone. The last star bowed out on Wednesday.

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