Now you can choose your sperm donor!
Now you can choose your sperm donor!
The catalogue lists the personality traits, interests and even fashion sense of the sperm donors.

London: Infertile women aspiring to be moms will soon be able to handpick the father of their child, thanks to a catalogue being compiled by the London Sperm Bank.

The catalogue lists the personality traits, interests and even fashion sense of the sperm donors, thus enabling the aspiring mothers to pick the father of their child according to their needs, the 'Daily Mail' reported.

It includes written statements from each man on why he is donating, plus staff assessments of what he is like.

For example, one donor is described by the clinic as "softly spoken, introspective, deep thinking" and with a

"neat, relaxed style".

Another is: "Very individualistic, quirky and artistic in nature. He has a unique 'rock star image' in terms

of appearance but not at all in lifestyle or confidence." It goes on: "Shy but if prompted will talk passionately about subjects that matter to him, namely art, music..."

A sperm bank spokesman explained that women will not have to go to the clinic to pick their man.

Dr Kamal Ahuja, from the sperm bank, said: "Women can access the catalogue from home and make their choices online."

In fact, research from the London Sperm Bank shows most men donate for altruistic reasons, and they empathise with a child s right to know his or her parents.

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