London: A new melt-in-the-mouth passion pill promises to be an ideal remedy for impotence.
Market research by Bayer, makers of the new pill, found that four in 10 men say existing tablets, which have to be swallowed with water, are inconvenient.
Called Levitra orodispersible, the pill, which acts like Viagra, splutters on the tongue before dissolving in seconds, the Daily Mail reports.
Together with its subtle thin black pocket-sized box, manufacturers hope it could revolutionise treatment for men too embarrassed to seek help.
The 4.50 pounds pill, which hit the markets Tuesday, is available on National Health Service or private prescription. Men are advised to take it up to half an hour before the act for the best results.
Studies say only 10 percent of the estimated 2.3 million men suffering from erectile dysfunction in Britain are receiving treatment.
Bayer executive Marc van Unen added: "It is hoped the advantages of the new product and its discreet packaging will reduce the numbers of patients purchasing counterfeit pills online."
Trials involving almost 1,000 men found the melt-in-the-mouth treatment was safe and effective.
Sexual health campaigners warn that those with erectile dysfunction should always see a physician because it could imply early stages of heart problems.
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