My wife Anusha was so cute that many guys in campus wanted to try their luck with her: Chetan Bhagat
My wife Anusha was so cute that many guys in campus wanted to try their luck with her: Chetan Bhagat
Chetan Bhagat speaks exclusively to IBNLive about his relation with his wife, his father and '2 States'.

How does one introduce an author whose literary works are read by virtually everyone in small towns and metropolitan cities in India? Chetan Bhagat. Yes, the best-selling author needs no introduction, courtesy his works that not only leave an indelible impact on the mind but also touch the heart. An alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Chetan Bhagat speaks exclusively to IBNLive about how his personal life suffers because of professional commitments, the relationship he shared with his father and the tips he'd like to share with all those having a tough time winning parents' consent for their marriage. Excerpts from an interview...

Since '2 States: The Story of My Marriage' is partially based on your personal life, were you a bit anxious when the makers of '2 States' approached you with the idea to turn your book into a film? Presenting one's personal life on the big screen can be embarrassing...

Well, I had fictionalized the story in the book itself, and made it Krish and Ananya's story. The book had come out already, and people had liked the story and it had largely left my own personal life unaffected. Hence, I thought I could take a chance with the movie. Of course, it is quite something to see a rendition on large screen and it hit me only when I saw the promos.

How easy or difficult was it for your wife Anusha Surya Narayanan to fall for you?

Ha ha, how can I answer that question? She can answer it better but she was cute looking and so many guys in campus wanted to try their luck with her. But then, some guys do work their charm better.

Did you propose to Anusha Surya Narayanan in the typical filmy way?

Nothing I do is typical. That is what she likes about me. You will see it in the movie as well.

Making love last for the long haul is never easy. Are there any tips you'd like to give those who have been facing problems in making wedlock work?

One should always have a strong friendship and clear communication. People who are going to be together long term should also take responsibility for their own happiness. Also, one should realize and prioritize the importance of family.

While '2 States' is making headlines for the crackling on-screen chemistry between Alia Bhatt and Arjun Kapoor, their kissing scene in the film put you on the spot which was clear in your tweet, "Dad, why are you kissing mom so much in the 2 statesmovie ads?" #wheretohide #whattosay." Were you shocked with your kids' reaction?

Well they (twin boys) are 9 now, and were 5 when the book came out. So they understand things better and ask more questions. Also, a book is different from a movie, as the latter's visuals even flash on the TV promos.

Have you planned that one novel you'd like to write and retire with?

I haven't thought about it. Perhaps an autobiography or an epic ambitious romance.

It is indeed discouraging when parents disapprove of the person you choose to marry. Any tips you'd like to share with those who haven't managed to earn parents' consent?

Be patient. Understand everyone's perspective. Negotiate on the basis of the belief that there is a win-win possible here. Be firm but patient. Ultimately, people just need to feel secure, loved and not ostracized by the community, even if it is your parents. Once that is in place, the approvals are not as big a deal.

Your books delve deeper into the real meaning of life, what would you do if you run out of ideas?

I would not write I guess. I do write non-fiction interns of my columns, so perhaps will move to more non-fiction analysis type writing than creating stories. However, I hope that day never comes. All I need is one good story idea at one point in time.

Does your personal life suffer because of your professional commitments? Do you regret not spending too much time with your kids?

It does, especially since I tend to travel a lot and even the writing commitments take their toll. Work pre-occupies me even when I am on a break and I have to make a special effort to disconnect. I guess it means I love my work but it should not be at the cost of family neglect. I have turned down several films for instance in the last year as it would have been too taxing on my time.

In one of your recent interviews, you stated that '2 States - The Story of My Marriage' helped you forgive your father. What was the bond like that you shared with your father?

It was a tumultuous relationship, where there were unmet expectations on both sides. I tried very hard to fix it but beyond a point it was difficult. I had to forgive him to move on in life, and I did so by writing 2 States where the boy's father plays a positive role in the end. That helped me heal.

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