Mumbai Sessions Court judge suspended over sexual harassment charges by staffer
Mumbai Sessions Court judge suspended over sexual harassment charges by staffer
If found guilty, Sessions Court judge MT Gaikwad faces either termination of service or demotion.

Mumbai: A Mumbai Sessions Court judge MT Gaikwad has been suspended after a preliminary inquiry found prima facie evidence against him in a case of sexual harassment of a staff member.

The complaint was filed to the registrar by the female staff member a month ago. Gaikwad, a judge of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act Court, has been accused of inappropriate behaviour.

The complainant had alleged that the judge used to stare at her quite often in an offensive manner. During the preliminary inquiry, the allegation made by the complainant was corroborated by other employees, high court sources said.

The complaint was filed against the judge early in August. The preliminary inquiry was conducted by another special judge SD Tulankar, who presides over a Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSOA) court.

According to the procedure, a judge under suspension faces a departmental inquiry either by a senior sessions court judge or a judge of the high court as decided by its Chief Justice.

During the departmental inquiry, a charge sheet is served on the suspended judge with a copy to the complainant and the presiding judge examines the witnesses. Only after a departmental inquiry finds the suspended judge guilty of the offences alleged against him does the punitive action under the state civil rules follow.

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