Mullaperiyar Dam: State to demand speedy tests
Mullaperiyar Dam: State to demand speedy tests
KOCHI: With the Supreme Court extending the term of the Empowered Panel on Mullaperiyar, Kerala is all set to demand speedy conduc..

KOCHI: With the Supreme Court extending the term of the Empowered Panel on Mullaperiyar, Kerala is all set to demand speedy conduct of tests to check the strength of the dam.The Committee to Coordinate (CTC) under the Empowered Panel has asked various technical bodies such as the Central Soil and Materials Research Station (CSMRS) and the Central Water and Power Research Station (CWPRS) to conduct tests, including surface mapping and drilling tests. Only the remote-operated vehicle (ROV) tests have been done at the dam so far. With the earlier term of the Empowered Panel set to end by October 31, it was feared that all the tests may not be conducted. However, with the apex court extending the term to February 29, 2012, the technical teams will get enough time to carry out the tests. As part of the drilling tests boreholes would be drilled on ledges- three on the top, two on the horizontal and vertical portions of the gallery.  Boreholes of 15 or 20-cm depth would be made as part of the tests. About half of the ROV tests are also remaining. In addition, there will be cable anchoring tests. Only if all these tests are carried out, the CTC would be able to make a final picture on the strength of the dam.

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